Friday, July 06, 2012

summer salon

I wanted to share with you some artwork that I created for a lovely client who is about to launch her blog.  This is just one of the illustrations that I did.  She has not yet launched her blog but when she is ready, I will make the introduction.

Most women can appreciate the need to book an appointment at a salon but what about a few women meeting over the summer in a salon setting to meet, read, share a cup of tea or perhaps a glass of chilled wine.  How many of you are in a book group that takes the summer off or do you continue to meet?
Love to know what you are reading now?


Woodside Park said...

You are so talented! Though I'm a new reader and just discovering your work, I love seeing all the homes you've painted. Many thanks for sharing your art with us.
Cheers from DC,

Jennifer C. Webb said...

love that reading nook

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Love that illustration!
The book club that I'm in continues to meet through the summer. I just started our book for July last night. We are reading Moloka'i by Alan Brennert, it's an older book, published in 2003, I think. Looks good so far!

Kwana said...

You know me I'm in your knitting group and we need to make a date. LOL. As for books I'm always picking up something with romance but I have Game of Thrones on hold at the library right now. I may or may not read it. Don't know if I want to say clueless for the HBO show.

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

What a cozy space you dreamed up! I think I need somewhere like this to gather and visit with friends :)

Unfortunately my book club closes down for the summer...

Have a wonderful weekend,

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love the nook area...I'm reading Eat to hopes of changing my need for sugar.Have a wonderful weekend!

The Buzz Blog said...

Our book deteriorated into a wine tasting group so we stopped meeting... But we still love to read with a glass of wine by our side! Digging into The Little Giant of Aberdeen County and really enjoying it. Happy weekend, PVE!

Dana said...

Love this illustation! Can't wait to see the blog that goes with it.~

Mr Paul said...

Patricia, it always makes me smile whenever I see your artwork.

Hope you are enjoying your cheese!

Paul XO

My Notting Hill said...

Feels like I could step right into this illustration.

BRASWELL said...

Adore that reading nook + look forward to seeing her blog + your blog is delicious also.

Jeanne Henriques said...

Patricia... Your work is superb, I just adore it. I hope, if you haven't already, that you create a book of your favourite illustrations. You have such great subject matter to work from. So inspiring, it needs to go in one spot for your readers to draw inspiration from. Your attitude on life is spot on...put your blog into a book and you have a winner. Just sayin...:)

I have so many books by my bedside and on my iPad it makes me dizzy. It has been years since I was in a book group, I switched to a art history group on this trip to England. Curious to see what unfolds in Vietnam. :) I am reading Diplomatic Baggage by Bridgid Keenan... Adventures of a travelling spouse..

Wondering how your illustrations would look with an Asian twist...amazing, I'm sure. I will hold that thought... Best wishes... xx

lsellers said...

I'm reading The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home. My children are 8, 9, and 11 and their public school is going to a four-day school week in the fall for lack of funds. No three-day weekends for us! My mother-in-law and I will be teaching them on Mondays. Oh, and I do wish I had such a full and rich education as this book promises. I recommend the book.