Tuesday, July 31, 2012

jaunty plume

 I had the pleasure of creating these illustrations for a fine lady with a jaunty plume.
Please welcome Pound Ridge Plume.
In the early evening, she carefully crafted and hosted readings from her salon with raspberry red walls.
The next day she took a moment to admire her secretary and personal affects.
The window was open and the birds were chirping quite a cacophony which she found one part pleasant and the other annoying.
She closed the window to listen to her own thoughts and rearranged the objects while she tidied up.
She knew that it was time to write and to work.
The words poured out from her fingers onto the screen.
Then she decided after several hours had lapsed from staring at the screen of her lap top to call it a day.
She knew that it was time to prepare a meal for her family and to give thanks for another splendid day.
Her jaunty plume would anxiously await her return.


pve design said...

Thanks for making me feel jaunty....I do love writing and poetry. Love to have a book out one day with words and my illustrations. I am asking the universe to provide. C'mon Universe and listen up! :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love this!

pve design said...


I Dream Of said...

I feel jaunty just reading this! Love your day in the life of this chic lady, and I agree with Julie that your words are as lovely as your paintings! XO

I Dream Of said...

I feel jaunty just reading this! Love your day in the life of this chic lady, and I agree with Julie that your words are as lovely as your paintings! XO

Splendid Market said...

a wonderful and well worded tale. I love your illustrations as well! ebh

Michelle said...

Love these!! Reminds me of books I would read as a child, all the time imagining what my grown up life would be...just charming.

Jennifer C. Webb said...

I think a book in your future! Perfect

Unknown said...

We need more of this story! Fantastic.

Joyce said...

Very sweet my friend. xo

Unknown said...

How thoughtful and kind and well done! Thank you, PVE, for such a welcome into the blogosphere.

MJH Design Arts said...

Thank you. It really is a jaunty plume. So beautiful. Mary

Unknown said...

You are so talented! Agree that you should be a writer as well :D

Unknown said...

Beautiful illustrations. I'm feeling jaunty just seeing these!!! Well done!!!

xoxo Elizabeth