Wednesday, July 18, 2012

far-away friends

 My son returns home today after a wonderful trip to Africa.  He shall be a sophomore in college and this trip was part of an ROTC program called CULP.  He applied last year all by himself for this trip and the good news came last Christmas that he would be traveling to Tanzania.  He taught 3 classes of English a day to students.  They played basketball, soccer and other games to connect with the students.
 Part of the programs philosophy is to create a classroom as they travel, learning along the way.
He went on a Safari, toured Africa, a trip to Zanzibar where he stayed in a tropical spot and he told me the flowers were incredible.  He told me he is bringing saffron.
 Visiting historic ruins as a group and learning about the culture, the history directly from the native people.

Here is a shot of the classroom.  Pretty simple compared to our classrooms in America.  We kept in contact via e-mail and he told me each time how honored to be a part of this trip.  I cannot wait to see him and to hear all about his trip, his new far-away friends and to see what souvenirs he brings home.


Jennifer C. Webb said...

you must be a proud Momma...enjoy the saffron! Safe travels to your son

Emma said...

looks like he had an amazing time!!!!

home before dark said...

He looks so much like you right down to his big and right heart.

I Dream Of said...

How proud you must be - and how happy to have him home. Such a wonderful adventure for your son, you must be so excited to hear all the stories. Love these photos! XO

Purple Flowers said...

An excellent life experience! So glad for him to have learned and met people from a different part of the world. This adventure will now become a part of him.

Michelle said...

You must be so proud!! Looks like a life changer...something to have the rest of your life.

Hope you and the rest of your family are having a great summer :)

pve design said...

Thank-you dear!
Yes, I am one proud Mom....of all my children and my dear husband who is supportive and a great Father.

Emma, to get my greens!
Just walked 2 miles....and think of you each time how you inspire me.

Home before dark....
awe. thanks, yes he does have a huge heart,

I wish it were cooler for his arrival today....but I have an award winning cake for tonight and a nice American meal planned.

Yes, I think he will return forever changed.
Traveling makes us grow....

Yes, I am proud....I believe you met him when you were here. So hot today so I am hiding inside with cool A/C....lucky me.
Happy Summer dear.

Joyce said...

Yippeee... my heart is singing and jumping for joy for you!! The best little gift he brings- will be himself! Keep us posted proud momma. :) xo

eLIZabeth Floyd said...


You must be so excited to see him and to learn about the ins and outs of his trip. I know I would be over the moon.


Anonymous said...

what a fantastic trip, you must be so proud of him. I bet you can't wait to see him and give him a huge hug too.

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Patricia, Your heart must be so full as you think about the paths your children have chosen. Sounds like you are a wonderful inspiration for them (and us). Blessings. Mary

perfumehk said...

Lovely pictures. amazing collection.
Parfum pas cher

Formerly known as Frau said...

What an amazing opportunity! A life changing trip I imagine.

Acquired Objects said...

WOW what a wonderful opportunity for your son. Not only is he giving but it sounds like this trip gave back as well. I hope you'll share some of his adventures proud Mama!


BRASWELL said...

What a lovely trip + pictures + handsome giving son. Doesn't get much better for us mothers than this. Enjoy

Holly Gruszka said...

What a great experience for your son - that is really something to be proud of and it looks like he had a great time and learned a lot.

CREED said...

How admirable that he chose to do this on his own - he must be a very compassionate soul with an adventurous spirit. An experience and friendships to cherish and inspire for life, so wonderful! ~ C