Friday, July 13, 2012

a bowl of cherries - painting giveaway

Eizabeth Floyd -bowl full of cherries painting 4 x 6
Last Sunday evening, we had our neighbors for dinner and they brought the loveliest bowl full of fresh cherries with a note ~"life is a bowl full of cherries" with neighbors like you.
Elizabeth Floyd - silver cup with twin cherries painting 4 x 6
 A fortunate dose of double serendipity, a wonderful artist Elizabeth Floyd contacted me the very next day to give-away one of her lovely paintings with cherries.
Please visit Elizabeth, she has a wonderful site, a blog, a shop, a newsletter and a baby girl that will melt your heart.  Her paintings are exquisite.  They have an old world charm yet a freshness of heart.
I love connecting with other artists and mothers and bloggers.
A bowl full of cherries.
You decide upon one ornately framed.
 A silver mint julep cup with 2 cherries
( simply framed.)
Then I happened to find this wonderful silver dish from Silver Magpies, filled with cherries.  I think the universe has a way of always giving me signals.
I could not believe how similar the silver and cherrie still lives are so I reached out to Silver Magpie to ask her permission to share these wonderful images of her silver.
I read that the French who sailed from Normandy filled their pockets with cherries and when they arrived in Michigan, they planted the stone seeds along the shore.
Think of this post as planting a few seeds to connect with others and to fill your life and your bowls with cherries!

Leave a comment, which painting would you like to win.
Elizabeth will select a winner randomly.
Thank-you Elizabeth for such a lovely gift.

Winner is no. 45, Trina from A Country Farmhouse.
I do not count my comments in the selection.


Acquired Objects said...

Wow what a very generous and beautiful giveaway. The bowl of cherries would be perfect in my kitchen! Thank you so much to both of you for this lovely offer.


pve design said...

You are so welcome! Please do pay a visit to Elizabeth and see her work. I have my eye on a painting for my home.....

Karena said...

Patricia I love the gleam of the Julep Cup with the Cherries! off to see her site!

Art by Karena

Joan said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love both paintings and will visit her site. I find it hard to choose, but will say the bowl of cherries.

margo said...

These are so beautiful. I am a big cherry lover and am now enjoying a bowl of both Ranier and Bing cherries. Either painting would be lovely in my home. I am especially fond of the bowl of cherries. thanking for offering this beautiful gift.

HHH said...

These paintings are so reminiscent of the still lives by our neighbor, Eric Forstmann. I have several I am actually looking at right now. Beautiful work. I love both, but will choose the cherries in the bowl.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I love the cherries in the bowl! I just perused her etsy shop and WOW! She is so talented!

Unknown said...

Life is indeed a bowl of cherries. You know how much I love talented artists and Elizabeth is no exception. That bowl of cherries painting would be so pretty in my kitchen.

Thanks for always connecting us to new talents and bloggers.

So happy for your son's homecoming this week. I know he'll have so much to share.

xoxo Elizabeth

Jennifer C. Webb said...

how lovely...going to explore her site now

Karla said...

What a wonderfully generous thing to do and what a difficult decision!! If I had to choose I would choose a bowl full of cherries.

Unknown said...

Patricia, I love both paintings! But I could especially see the ornately framed one in my house. So I hope I win! Either one would be a great addition to my art collection! It was fun to go to Liz's site and see more of her work. I loved it!

I Dream Of said...

Patricia, Thanks for the introduction to Elizabeth - I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work. Both paintings are lovely, but I think the more simple one is to my liking.
Hope your weekend is as cheery as a bowl of cherries! XO

Anonymous said...

what a fabulous and generous gift - but to decided between both paintings is difficult. I think the bowl of cherries!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing me to Elizabeth. Her work is beautiful. I am drawn to the orange piece in her shop. I would choose the julep cup cherries painting to hang in my kitchen, if I were to win. I hope I do!

ArchitectDesign™ said...

What a charming artist and idea. I had no idea about the seeds and the sailors! I especially love the bowl of cherries in the pretty ornate frame -it would look so lovely in my new dining room. Pick me, hehe!

Tess said...

Great giveaway! I love the silver julep cup with 2 cherries!!


Dana said...

I'm a big fan of Elizabeth's gorgeous work - and it turns out we have friends in common! It is a hard choice between these two exquisite paintings. I love cherries, to eat and in art. I choose the painting of the bowl of cherries. Love.

Lago Arthur Studio said...

I am a big fan of Elizabeth as both an artist & person. And I can tell you as a painter myself that she has exceptional skill & talent. That painting with the silver cup is by far my favorite because of the exquisite job of rendering she did in the reflection of the cherries & table which are revealed in the silver cup. To create that reflection convincingly takes great skill in paint handling and good knowledge of perspective. Elizabeth has it in spades!

Sarah Sedwick Studio said...

Love Liz's blog and her work! Would love to have the cherries and silver julep cup painting. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ohhh, I want the Bowl of Cherries so much my stomach hurts! Cherries are my favorite summer treat, and I have been a long-time fan of the very talented Elizabeth Floyd. :))

Unknown said...

It's a hard choice, they are both beautiful! I love the one with the simple frame just a tiny bit more. I'm off to visit her site to see her other treasures.

Ailene said...

Both are beautiful--I love the bowl of cherries. The frame is exquisite.

Mimi said...

I love them both, but hear the julep cup calling my name. Thank you for bringing such a talented artist to my attention!

Pat said...

Wow love her work and she's a neighbor, an Alexandrian! I'll be checking her out in del ray. Btw I have a hard time with these proving I'm not a robot things. I'm getting new glasses.

Sherry B said...

They are both beautiful. Such a great giveaway.
Thank you for this chance. I will visit ELizabeth's web site now!


Town and Country House said...

What a generous gift to give away! I love both the paintings, but I think the reflection of the cherries in the silver julep cup is stunning. Her work has a painterly quality that's really charming. Thanks so much for hosting!

An Urban Cottage said...

Really beautiful work! I'm in awe over how she so beautifully executed the silver julep cup. That would be my choice.

Alexis said...

Decisions, decisions! Love them both...if I had to choose, the 2 cherries with the julep cup.

Joyce said...

I just had cherries for lunch. Both paintings are beautiful. If I had to say the one with two cherries. One for you and one for me. :) thanks to you both for the wonderful give away. xo

pve design said...

Thank-you to everyone for your kind comments. I know that Liz will be most appreciative of your lovely comments.

Nicole Gendy said...

I love the painting with the silver cup and the two cherries. Both are very beautiful though.

MJH Design Arts said...

I love Elizabeth's paintings. Of course they remind me of Spanish Renaissance still lifes, but also of the the "new school of Spanish realism"--absolutely gorgeous and the scale is amazing. I think that I like the bowl of cherries just a tiny bit more. Thanks for such a wonderful gift. I hope that the week-end brings you tons of joy. Mary

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- How beautiful! I like "A bowl full of cherries" in the carved frame. Gorgeous!

What a talented artist!


BRASWELL said...

"Silver cup with twin cherries" is my pick although they are both beautiful. Will trot on over to her site now.

Jleaman said...

Thank you for sharing this both, but am drawn to the bowl of cherries!

janie said...

Love the 2 cherrie with the mint julep cup. Brings back wonderful memories for me, summered in Michigan's UP as a child and went to college in the South.
Talented artist!

A Perfect Gray said...

wonderful giveaway, patricia. I'm so drawn to the silver cup with cherries. thanks so much for the chance. donna

Christine Colley said...

I prefer the bowl of cherries in the ornate frame. Either way, both paintings are wonderful!

lynn said...

Oh my gosh! These are beautiful! My favorite is the cup with the cherries but I love both of them.

Windlost said...

patricia - perfect timing for a visit to your blog! i would like the ornately-framed one! her work is beautiful - must go check her out. my husband bought cherries last week and i've taken them to work every day - they make a nice 3pm treat to keep me away from the m&m's in the vending machine. :)

p.s. i emailed you about sketching biscuit - that would be lovely!
xo terri

Woodside Park said...

Hi, Patricia -
Wow, what a generous giveaway! Thanks for hosting this. I just followed Elizabeth's blog a week or two ago. She is a very talented artist, and I'd love to meet her....think she lives in the Washington, DC area. If the giveaway is still current, I'd love to be the lucky winner of Bowl of Cherries. Fingers crossed.
Cheers from DC,

kayce hughes said...

It is hard to pick but I am loving the fancier frame so I would pick that one.
Such a wonderful giveaway!

Catherine said...

Wow, both are so beautiful! We're munching away on our local cherries here. I do love the cherries in the bowl...What a wonderful giveaway!
Off to see her site...

Catherine said...

Wow, both are so beautiful! We're munching away on our local cherries here. I do love the cherries in the bowl...What a wonderful giveaway!
Off to see her site...

Linda @ DesignInMyView said...

I would D.I.E. to own the julep cup and cherries painting!

Fingers crossed and cherrie stems tied in knots (with my tongue).


Peg said...

Both of the cherry paintings are beautiful and I would be thrilled to win either one. I love the sparkle of the silver cup, but I think the patina of the old china dish makes it my favorite. I always enjoy your blog and after leaving this comment, I will now go off to visit Elizabeth's!

RD said...

Oh, my...they are beautiful paintings. For "stills" they have a tremendous vitality. Beautiful! A truly special giveaway. I'd love to hand the bowl of cherries in my home--in the simple frame.

locavoreincarlisle said...

tonidea 18They are all beautiful!!!I love the bowl of cherries best,because I just had a bowl of cherries at breakfast. I visited her site (not easy to find)and love her work.I also love your blog.

Gretchen O. said...

I love, love, love cherries. 9and my family does too.) And that artwork is just beautiful.

elizabeth said...

so beautiful!!!!
Love the tone of both paintings :)

Emily said...

Those paintings are darling. I'll be checking out her site immediately. I love learning of new artists and their talents.

Thank you Patricia!

Unknown said...

Sweet cherries! Delightful, as are these dainty paintings. Wonderful offer!


Unknown said...

I love both of those beautiful paintings. What a wonderful giveaway! Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

The bowl full of cherries is my favorite!! Thanks so much for sharing the work of artists whom you appreciate!

Sara Martin

Things That Inspire said...

Too late to enter, but wanted to comment on how exquisite these paintings are!