Sunday, June 17, 2012

hakuna matata

a little cupcake safari celebration was in order last night....
thank-you diane for the lovely cupcakes.
pardon my fuzzy photo.
I never imagined 19 years ago that one of my sons would be an ROTC cadet and have the privilege of traveling to Tanzania for the CULP program.  He left today and I can hardly wait for him to return with many stories.  Part of this cultural program is to increase the humanitarian efforts of our ROTC cadets.  He will be there to teach children english and to learn about their culture.
I think about my sons and look forward to the day they are Fathers.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads all over the world and to my Dad in Kentucky.


Joyce said...

Safe travels for your son, good times and wonderful memories. I hope your dad and husband enjoy their special day. :-x xo

Anonymous said...

I am sure your son will have a fantastic time, what a wonderful experience! Adorable cupcake too.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful opportunity for your son! I love the send off you gave him! :D

Kwana said...

Much love to him. Wow. I thought he had another week before he left. Wishing him safe travels.

Acquired Objects said...

Sounds like your son has already turned into a wonderful man. I hope you enjoyed your day!


Jennifer C. Webb said...

living life to the fullest! Congratulations for raising such a worldly child, will no doubt inspire those he meets and those he left behind with his mission

MJH Design Arts said...

Yes, it is wonderful to watch sons become fathers--my oldest is the amazing father of three adorable little girls and boy is he busy, involved, proud and "in-love" with each of them. Love the cupcakes. Congratulations to your son. xoxo Mary

LindsB said...

Oh my gosh- this is so so exciting!! What a chance of a lifetime for him, he is most certainly going to have the time of his life!!