Monday, May 21, 2012

monday motivation - passion

Passion is motivational.  When you really love something it can give you all the will and desire to move forward.  I thought you might need a little inspiration this week. Are you passionate about something?  What do you appreciate? 

"Appreciate beauty, sincerity, purity"

Be passionate.
When one is passionate there is a deep desire,
A fire inside. And the will to approach life's circumstances
and challenges, in a real way both to yourself and others.

To explore your creative side, express yourself,
in depth and knowledge.
There is no need to be quiet.
There is no need to hold back.

Run free and explore your life.
With perseverance, consistency.
Always listening.
The inner ability to strive on,
to proceed in power, love and a sound mind.

Be willing, be able to strive on with passion,
but let wisdom be your guide,
let understanding build character in you,
appreciate beauty, sincerity, purity.
Keep it close, never exchange it.
For it is like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

-- Author Unknown

pve design artwork "trio of lemons" sold


Formerly known as Frau said...

Love this piece...gorgeous! Happy Monday!!

The Buzz Blog said...

An inspirational way to start a very busy week... Passion for beauty and family will get us through all the meetings and events we have planned!

Karena said...

Gorgeous Painting Patrica!!
Painting is my passion as well as paying it forward in life!

Thought you would enjoy...Interview with Leslie of Segreto Finishes and her fabulous Book Giveaway!

Art by Karena

Jennifer C. Webb said...

those lemons so rich, painting so fresh. Great for Monday motivation

I Dream Of said...

Thanks for starting our week with some beautiful inspiration - I love this painting of yours, so different from your other work. The "creative sabbatical" I'm currently on is about letting me dive in and discover my passions. I feel so fortunate to be able to go exploring.
Hope your week is full of passion. XO

Kwana said...

Beautiful words and love those lemons.

Holly Gruszka said...

I'm passionate about my family, interiors, and coffee :) I think when you're passionate about something you show interest by asking questions and wanting to spend your time surrounded by that passion. Thanks for this great Monday motivator!

Cheryl said...

Although I love all of your work, I do think this is my favorite so far. It's beautiful, whimsical, just lovely.
My passion. It is what I am working on right now. Learning about me. My passion will come.

Acquired Objects said...

Thanks for the beautiful inspiration Patrica both in words and your stunning artwork. Love how you captured everything so beautifully!


BRASWELL said...

Adore Lemons(in anything) Thank you, Pat!

Unknown said...

Passion is our fuel and it doesn't rely on anyone thing as it begins in our minds a sort of "will it to be". Great idea for Monday's of any week.

MJH Design Arts said...

Passion seems to be my connection to God--without it, I seem to wander a bit. That creative link to the divine. Thanks for the inspiration for the week. Mary

Amanda C. Bee said...

This post couldn't have come at a better time! I feel like recently, there just hasn't been much time to get anything done! But, once again, great post... I know I can always count on PVE for fresh and inspirational ideas!!! :-) Hope you've had a lovely May so far!! xx

vicki archer said...

Your painting is stunning Patricia and such words... beautiful writing... xv

Joyce said...

I can see why it sold my friend ;D Beaitiful!! xo

Jo said...

Beautiful works and words. Thank you for sharing.