Wednesday, May 09, 2012

hard working

When I moved to this village one of the first spots I frequented was and still is, our local Ardsley True Value Hardware store.  Always greeted by our local owner Joe with a "Good Morning" to which I would reply, "Good Morning to you" and how are you today?  Joe always answers "Working hard and loving it."  I took it upon myself to give this sketch to Joe one fine morning and he proudly displays it on his computer screen and postcards that sit on the counter for customers to take.

Do you have a local hardware store or shop that you love to visit in your village or town?  Do something special for your shop or shop keeper and let them know how much they mean to you.

Each week I seem to pop in for something I need, lightbulbs, cleaning supply or various item and I am always so grateful to hear a whistle or a kind word.  Did I mention that Joe is an actor and a runner?  Now you see why he works hard and loves it.


Susan McClaskey said...

How lucky for Joe to be the recipient of your artwork! Small, locally owned businesses are treasures and are becoming rare. I'm sitting here trying to think what business I frequent that is my equivalent to your hardware local yarn shop perhaps?
Best, Susan

Joyce said...

A beautiful way to show your appreciation. Reading your post gave me a feeling of Mayberry. :) xo

annechovie said...

great sketch, Patricia! I love paitning storefronts, too. So nice to have an old fashioned hardware store to visit. xo

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have such a wonderful store so close to you. London doesn't have too many Joe's and when I find them I treasure them.

MJH Design Arts said...

That is a super idea--even here in So.Cal. the Ace Hardware store is an anchor of the community. Thanks.

Purple Flowers said...

I also like a town Hardware store. Love the smell inside, and the creeks in the floor planks.
We also have a nice Hardware store man - Bud.
So kind of you to sketch his store, so now he can give his customers a piece of your artwork. And be as pleased as punch.

Unknown said...


Hardware stores are the best...hands down. They have something for everyone and then some. You had a "pay it forward" sweet of you.


LindsB said...

I love that you made this for him!! It is those extra special details that make a small town store so much fun to visit- what a thoughtful piece of art for Joe!

Holly Gruszka said...

We are fortunate to have a local hardware store near us that we like to go to and where I grew up my Mom still goes to the same hardware store and enjoys each errand she has to run to over there. So nice of you to present this sketch to them. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Heather said...

I love True Value...I tend to go to the one in Hawthorne...not to far from you! How is it that they always manage to stock EVERYTHING? I love your painting, and it was sweet of you to give it to him.