Friday, March 02, 2012


 This weekend, I have to spend some time catching up on my reading list.  
I have created a Pinterest board with many books, some I have read and some that are on my list to read.

My sons gave me a kindle and I have noticed that my reading has gained momentum and speed.
I love the convenience of being able to highlight a word, look it up immediately and save it.
There is something nice about a real book and old fashioned book shops that I adore but anything to keep me well read is a plus.

Love to know what are you reading now?


Joyce said...

Happy reading my friend. No reading this weekend for me. I wil be enjoining the view of the smoky mountains :) xo

the gardener's cottage said...

i think i'm the last person on earth reading it but i'm almost done with the paris wife and just don't want it to end.
happy weekend patricia.

Southern Lady said...

I've been a little too busy to read lately, however, you have inspired me to make time for it! Enjoy your weekend of reading. Carla

ArchitectDesign™ said...

so since you read both -which do you prefer? I can't get into the e-readers unfortunately -it would be so easy! My eye can't concentrate on the screen and I get a headache.

pve design said...

Good question...I really prefer a book but an e-reader is slim and easy to slip in my bag.

Anonymous said...

following your recommendation I have picked up a copy of The Paper Garden by Molly Peacock. Love the idea of a kindle, but adore being surrounded by books!

home before dark said...

I've just started the Warmth of Other Suns and Cooking at Home on Rue Tatin. I always read several books at the same time. Don't know why.

The Buzz Blog said...

Rules of Civility and I can't put it down! Love the dictionery feature on my Knidle, too, and the highlighted notes are fun to have. Happy weekend!

SnackQueen15 said...

I am enjoying The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach. It is a baseball themed book but it is really about relationships between friends, family, colleagues and all the drama that goes along with these relationships! It is an excellent read so far.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Right now I am reading "Folks, This Ain't Normal... A Farmer's advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World" by Joel Salatin. It's very interesting! He owns Polyface Farms in VA.

Unknown said...

I'm still plugging away on Game Change. Really fascinating...but I need to carve out some quiet time (there has not been any of that this week) and finish it!!

Here's to the joy of reading!
xoxo Elizabeth

Kwana said...

I'm reading the 3rd book in the Fifty Shades trilogy. I too love a real book but the Kindle look up feature is wonderful.

annechovie said...

I am afraid I dont read so much these days, other than blogs!
Hope you have a nice wknd! xo

quintessence said...

I am so far behind on my reading it's a joke - embarrassingly actually!! And still haven't read anything on my iPad!! On my list...

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICS:)I really like your much nice inspiration.
I wish you a lovely weekend.

LOVE Maria at

Stephanie Sabbe said...

that cup of joe post is one of my faves!

Jayne said...

I am reading Rose, My Life in Service to Lady Astor. FOr those of us so sad to see Downton Abbey season come to a close, this extends the fascination with the upstairs/downstairs life from England's past.

Millie said...

A Cook's Year in a Welsh Farmhouse by Elisabeth Luard - superb! I swap between my iPad & hardcovers depending on my mood. However I'm totally hooked on Zinio & haven't bought a paper mag for 12 mths., just download them all electronically for long plane rides.
Millie xx
P.S. Love your Pinterest boards Patricia!

Janelle McCulloch said...

I love Hemingway and often pause for a little show of respect whenever I'm walking past his houses in Key West or Paris! (Which happens to be often, strangely enough - although they're usually work trips). I still haven't read The Paris Wife but am looking forward to Hemingway's Boat, which lots of people are talking about. For all his faults, he was an incredible writer.
PS - I always love hearing about what others are reading.
Janelle McCulloch | Library of Design