
Monday, February 13, 2012

brought you some red

bringing the red seems just in time for valentine's day
clever wine tags spotted on etsy
perfect touch for bringing some red
spotting lots of red storefronts too.
love this one I illustrated a few years ago
red book covers too.
 some red in one of my favorite Tina Steele paintings.

What sort of red are you planning on bringing or giving this Valentine's day?
My husband asked me, "So when is Valentine's day?"

If you are reading this, it is in fact tomorrow!
Are you ready?


  1. I'm ready. I already have a card for my Hubby, and I will bake him a cake in a heart-shape pan. That's my version of Valentine's Day. Also, I will wear pink-my shade of red.

  2. What a great post! You are so very clever. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  3. We went to a fundraiser yesterday for a sweet little 2nd grader in town, who has a fast aggressive cancer. We made an extra donation in place of exchanging gifts. I will be serving breakfast in bed for my love to start his day off.

  4. Adore Tina's painting!! I hope you enjoyed the weekend Patricia!
    Happy Valentines dear friend!

    Art by Karena

  5. I'm not ready yet! I had better get busy. Carla

  6. Ha. You're husband is so funny. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Hope you have a great one.

  7. oh to receive a painting, wouldn't that be great! I would settle for just some quiet time together. Mrs. Blandings has some great suggestions today for husbands with no ideas

  8. I love the wine tags, and Tina's painting are so lovely.
    I do hope that your husband comes home with a little something for you tomorrow!

  9. I hope your hubby "red" your post correctly... mine's off on a trip so it's just me and the boys and a lot of chocolate!

  10. The wine tags are so cute..and I am swooning over the painting!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  11. What a wonderful post!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Have a marvelous Monday

  12. We are giving us a red orchid topiary from Herve Gambs and a nice home cooked dinner.....;)(it won't be red though)xo Maryanne

  13. I love all this red, but your illustration of the J. Mclaughlin shop is my favorite. I'm just wondering...which store is that?

  14. Love those wine tags I need to get a few since we always take red. I hope your husband got your message!


  15. Love that painting and your illustration! I was given that Parisian Chic book by a friend - love!

    I'll have a special breakfast for all my Valentines. Tomorrow night, we'll light a fire, sip some champagne and nibble on chocolate. I have a card for Grant, as we're giving each other a renovation this year! Ha ha...I know you understand!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  16. I heartily agree with all your choices!
    I am getting ready....
    Happy Valentine, my friend!

  17. Love that painting! I've gotta get busy for V. Day!

  18. Perfect colour for those of us here at The Hedge Patricia. I wore a little red mini dress (Thai silk with cute shoe string straps) on my first date with MOTH 19 years ago - it worked. Hope Mr PVE gets his Valentine's Day mojo happening for you & soon!
    Millie xx

  19. As ready as I'll ever be...salted caramels at the ready (Mr. 24's favorite!)
    Wishing you a lovely, red-filled day Patricia!!!
    xo J~

  20. your illustration and the tina steele painting are my favorites. just beautiful. we had a busy valentine's day - i'm a teacher of little ones, so lots of fun at school. then a busy kitchen making a fine family dinner. joy to you!
