
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

love is

 ....round.  love is round.  no matter how we try to look at it, love is round.  this image says it all.
do you have circles in your home to keep the love circling around?
farreira design


  1. crazy great image. just pinned it. :D
    hope your week is going great!

  2. Fabulous walls, thinking this may be a brilliant idea for my new hallway!

  3. Circles yes but not painted, these are fun. Great way to decorate your walls!

  4. I love that image and would love to have the artwork in it hanging in my home.

    And I probably don't have enough circles to remind me if I am honest so I probably need some more.

  5. Circles, puppies running in circles around me! Visual wise I love anything circular, especially mirrors and an occasional round pillow for a fun accent.

  6. I love this image - the art and the wallpaper? are awesome!

    Check out my giveaway - it's the last day!

  7. Love the black and white together with a splash of red. Making a house a home keeps the circle of love going here...Happy Wednesday PVE

  8. I like the image! Yes we do have circles one starting with our rings. I like circles. :) xo

  9. Such a lovely thought. Love truly is round, isn't it. I'll look at all the circles at home and work a little differently today. From my wedding band on my finger to the elastic band that holds back my hair. How wonderful to be reminded of love by the simplest things.

  10. Yes, I have circles in my home! You're right, love is round. That image is really stunning.

  11. Oh what a great room. I wear a necklace (today it is on in fact) with a tiny solid circle on it... it means a lot to me and on of those things is what you give out is what you get back... in love and in life.

  12. Gorgeous I was thinking of something like love is black and white enlightened with red. Got me thinking of something circle for my flat right now, great post.
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  13. I have a serious attraction to circle art, always have. Don't know why exactly but I think it had to do with the strong graphic quality and the balance they add to a room that is typically comprised of many straight and square shapes...

    Especially love this black and white example you've shown! : )

  14. Loooove that wallpaper. Such a great backdrop for artwork...XXOO

  15. where can I get that artwork. I love it and want to have it?
