Wednesday, January 25, 2012


How delighted was I to snap this lovely bench in the snow last weekend on my early morning walk in the midst of a snowfall.  I have always loved black and white.  I think this deserves to be framed which inspires me to take more of my own photographs of things that strike my fancy.  It will be a sort of "benchmark test" as I admire so many other photographers.  Would you like to see more of my photographs or shall I just stick to what I do best and draw or paint it?  I am on the bench.


Acquired Objects said...

I love seeing your paintings but you're equally as good at photography so take more pictures please. Your bench picture and the way it catches the contrast is beautiful.


preppyplayer said...

This photo is lovely! What makes it so appealing is the composition- love the contrasting, vertical lines of the fence behind the bench. It is a crisp, sharp shot.

Karena said...

I love your fine art photography Patricia!! Would very much like to see more!

Art by Karena

Anonymous said...

I love your own artwork, but the photograph is fabulous too! May be a mix?

Jennifer C. Webb said...

Both...enjoy seeing artist's inspirations. Love your matter what the medium

for the love of a house said...

You are an artist- whether it is with a brush or a camera, so I for one would love to see it all!
This photograph in contrasts is beautiful!

Unknown said...

This is a lovely shot! Just add them to the other art work, show us both!


annie@mostlovelythings said...

This is so pretty! I would love to see more of your photographs. To see what an artist sees through her lens is always fascinating. I wonder how many people walked by that same bench and never even paused to see the beauty.

Gwen Driscoll said...

Love this!!! Wish it would snow here. I, too, have read The Fabulous that book. Hope you're well my friend!

Lindsey said...

This really should be framed...hope to see more of your photography.

Unknown said...

You are doubly I say bring on the photography as well as the drawings!

Get off the bench and into the game. You're ready and the blog team needs your inspiration!

xo Elizabeth

Formerly known as Frau said...

love have such a artistic eye!

Joyce said...

I would love to see anything you love, create and enjoy! :) xo

Natalie said...

Love it all! Bring it! ;)

Destination Home said...

I would love to see more of your photography.
The bench photo is fabulous.
Cindy LeBlanc

Emily said...

Snap away my friend! Never stop your creative flow.

Denise said...

Love it! You should do anything that keeps artistic juices flowing. Good for the soul!

Janelle McCulloch said...

Please DO post more of your photography. It is lovely. And don't ever judge yourself by other photographers - or artists or writers for that matter. There will always be somebody better. But if we all gave up because we felt that we couldn't match Hemingway / Picasso / Avedon, etc, then none of us would create anything. Your work is your own and that's what makes it unique - and beautiful! Janelle