
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It is no secret, I do have a serious infatuation with houses.  
The illustration above is unfinished but lingers on the back of my mind like a teenage crush.
I just can't get this home of grandeur out of my head.
Who does not like to drive-by a home and fantasize about what one would do in order to give it your mark.  I have done this from the time I was a child.  This beauty is nearby and up for sale and I just cannot stop thinking about what a bit of tender loving care would do to transform this into a palace.

Tell me, what sort of thing are you keen on?  I find myself lingering over the real estate section or on line and thinking what I would do if it were mine.   I like to think of my infatuation as one part serious inspiration.

Monday, January 30, 2012

monday motivation - green monster

Why not start off your week today with what I call a fresh green monster drink.  
All you need;

2 cups washed and chopped kale ( take the leaves off the woody stalk)
3 cubes of pineapple
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 cup of water or green tea 
blend with a mixer
Serve in your favorite glass-
Add crushed ice and drink to your best health!

Cheers to a healthy Monday~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

go into detail

This was a commissioned work of art for a client to give as a holiday gift and the timing was tight.  I completed the work, observing all the details of the original photo and it did cross my mind that I thought perhaps the house front hand rail at the steps was a bit odd but who am I to question.  When  I sent the image of the artwork to my client she e-mailed back that the railing had been removed by the owner and her client as this was for a gift.  I immediately re-did the artwork without the hand rail at the steps and in my holiday haste, I failed to get a scan without the railing.  
As an artist, I feel that it is part of my job to capture every detail that makes the difference and if something needs to be changed then that too is part of getting it right and keeping the client happy.  
Service matters to me and I understand that life is busy and we are humans.
Point blank, details really do matter.
Getting things right are important to me.
These are the images provided to work from. I love the top image, the roof line and the inviting angle, but the image below was better to work from since it is clearer and easier to garner the lanterns and the shutters.  I love the top image of the symmetrical trees flanking left and right.
Signing off as I have a long list of details that need my full attention. 
 Be back Monday.  
Happy weekend.

draw your mind

What sort of tools would you need to draw your mind?
 Have you ever seriously thought of your mind as a tool?
 Did you know that there is an app for mind tools and a site?
Several years ago, I had the great pleasure of working with a facilitator on several areas which helped me see my life on a wholesome path.  Through guided sessions and experiments, I discovered how to look at my life as a rainbow.  I was fascinated to find mind tools provided the above chart.  What sort of tools or charts do you find helpful in planning and achieving goals?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


How delighted was I to snap this lovely bench in the snow last weekend on my early morning walk in the midst of a snowfall.  I have always loved black and white.  I think this deserves to be framed which inspires me to take more of my own photographs of things that strike my fancy.  It will be a sort of "benchmark test" as I admire so many other photographers.  Would you like to see more of my photographs or shall I just stick to what I do best and draw or paint it?  I am on the bench.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 She who rocks the cradle rules the world.
 She dreamt of abstracts, monograms and dots.
 She is a night owl.
She began collecting art at the young age of 2.

Surely you will want to play along....
Now you try it, she___________________.  Leave a comment with she______________.
all images from interiormagasinet

Monday, January 23, 2012

year of the dragon

The year of the dragon. 
Dragons seem to be everywhere I look.
Now what boy would not love to have this dragon paper on his wall?
If not on the wall, then what about a lamp or a pillow with a dragon?
Or a book with a dragon tattoo.
 Take some time to have a little fun today, as many celebrate the year of the dragon for the Chinese New Year.  Having traveled to China many years ago and having been fortunate to celebrate in China was something I shall never forget.
The pops of red are everywhere you go.
 along with red envelopes handed out for good luck.

The symbolism of sharing dim sum and many chinese dishes.  I spotted these on Steamy Kitchen.
Gong Xi Fa Ca! That’s the traditional Chinese New Year greeting that means “wishing you prosperity” in Mandarin. The first day of the Chinese New Year – which begins at midnight on January 23, 2012 – is the most important of Chinese holidays, celebrated by billions in China, and by millions of ethnic Chinese around the world. It’s a celebration that lasts for 15 days, culminating with the Lantern Festival. Each year is associated with one of twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. For 2012, it’s the Year of the Dragon.
How will you celebrate the year of the dragon?

Sunday, January 22, 2012


 I am reminded often by my very own 84 year Mother to never give up and to look for the wonder and joy that each day provides.  It is true that miracles do happen every day.  All we have to do is to be able to see them.  So often they are right there, before our eyes and we miss them.
Imagine waking up here, now surely each day would hold such miracles with this view.  Do you wake up and see the beauty around you.  Do you immediately find the awe in each new day?  You are beautiful.  You and your day are full of possibilities.

  Take time to look for the intricacy found in something beautiful.  It could be the voice of a loved one, a walk in nature, home made soup or perhaps a smile from a stranger.

Enjoy your Sunday.  Care to share your latest miracle?
They do happen every day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

snow time

 Hello to a fresh blanket of snow and time to make snow balls and get out and enjoy the snow.  As much as I am not a fan of braving the roads, I am a huge proponent of embracing the seasons.
At long last, I have chosen this light fixture for over my kitchen island.  It reminded me of a snow ball inside of an icy ball.  I just cannot seem to get enough white and clean, clear icy glass.  Snowing and I am heading out to ski!

Friday, January 20, 2012

ex libris

I would like to have this "ex libris" to hand out to every college student when I deliver my 2nd born twin back to his respective University on Sunday.
It would be nice to hand out bottles of hand soap too.
To go with that hand soap, I am still thinking about what little token would remind them to keep an open mind?
College does seem the time to keep an open mind to the possibilities of life.

Any ideas?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

experts only

Skiing is one sport that requires skill and motivation.  Nothing like flying down an icy slope where experts only are supposed to go.  I love this sign found on etsy.  My family has been skiing together for years now and I have a pinterest board full of ideas for my dream ski house.  Here are just a few ideas.
 Loving this black wall and lots of light streaming in from the windows.  Note the rustic wood ceiling and black beams.  An open floor plan for all to gather together is a must.
 Love this all black house.
 Lots of white inside and a room for tuning skis and storing equipment.
After a long day of hitting the slopes, coming home to a warm stew or sharing fondue here would be welcome followed by an experts only game of scrabble or domino.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

busy signal

When was the last time you made a call and got a busy signal?  I remember growing up and my Mother or Father simply taking the phone "off the hook" so dinner time was uninterrupted.  The cord was wrapped around the door knob.  In this busy life, you might just want to try unplugging and spend some quality time.  Are you reachable 24/ 7 or do you have hours off the hook?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

under a bushel

 Are you hiding your light under a bushel?
 Perhaps you are simply storing good things away for a rainy day in your bushel or baskets.
 An open wire basket clearly displays items to have on hand and at the ready.
 A small basket stoked with spa items makes a great gift for a freshly scrubbed shiny new self.

 This woven basket could hold a myriad of items, laundry, towels, magazines or supplies.
Baskets really help to keep one's home shiny and more organized.
Do you use baskets for stowing away items?

Monday, January 16, 2012


Nothing like a fire to warm up to inside.
Temperatures were zero degrees yesterday skiing.
I was dressed accordingly.
After a few days of intense skiing and demo-ing some new skis, it feels nice to take a moment inside.
My dog Bentley agrees that snuggling up inside feels so good.  Hope each of you have had the chance to spend doing what you like inside and out.

Friday, January 13, 2012


How I wish we were born with stripes.  
If you were a stripe - what colors would you be?

Enjoy the long weekend.  We have a three-day weekend in the USA.

Thank-you Dr.Martin Luther King for our holiday in your honor on Monday.
We all need to hold fast to our dreams.
Do you have a dream?


botom image daphne groeneveld
I have reached my limits of thinking that my hair could grow past my shoulders and I am ready for a mod bob cut.  Many times in my life, my hair grows an inch to take two off.   What sort of limits do you impose on yourself?  I read that the mod-bob is coming back, bobbi-pins and all.
image from louis vuitton resort 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

oh my

 Last December a dear friend brought me this lovely orchid and I must admit that other than dousing it with water, letting it drain and playing soft music, the happiness radiating in the form of blossoms undoubtedly provides an "Oh my" each time I pass by.

What sort of simple joys
bring an "Oh my" to your day?