Wednesday, December 14, 2011

naughty or nice

Naughty seems to be the new nice.
Naughty keeps messing with my nice.
Suddenly a little extra holiday sparkle has a naughty but nice look.
My eyes keep wanting to add a bit of naughty eye liner and extra lashes.
 Does naughty ever mess with your nice side?
I spy a bit of mischief which seems so much more fun.

Yesterday, my son bumped his head and ended up in the ER and now has some nice stitches for his naughty self.  I told him "Better be good" now until Christmas is over then he can go back to being naughty.

I will be so glad when the holidays are over and I can go back to being naughty.
How about you?  
Is naughty tempting your nice?


Formerly known as Frau said...

Maybe just a little....but as the saying goes "Santa I can explain!"

Clare C. Whitaker said...

I love this post! There are definitely times when a little bit of naughty doesn't hurt! In fact, I think it can be a little bit of a lifestyle, under-check from time to time. I like to call my flirtations with the "naughty", shenanigans. Little adventurous that only come out to play on certain events like the full moon and other times when nice just needs a little mix of naughty! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday xoxo

Diane said...

Oh, sorry to hear about your son's ER trip -- poor guy! I don't even want to know how it happened... Boys do these things sometimes, not thinking what could happen. Then when they're older, it's thinking it won't happen to them! Glad he is ok! I don't have time to be naughty myself as I am too busy cleaning up after others naughtiness -- latest example being my dog stealing a bag of hazelnuts... I came home to find them strewn in the family room -- some shelled and eaten! Now that is naughty!

quintessence said...

A little naughty always makes the nice a bit more appealing!! Loving that sparkly eye look!!

Kwana said...

Oh no those boys are home 5 minuets and you are already at the doctors. How do you do it? Love the pics though.

the gardener's cottage said...

i'm not sure if naughty is messing with nice but i soooooooo look forward to jan 1st. that really is my favorite day of the year. my sanity returns right about then.


I Dream Of said...

Oh no, sorry your son had to visit the ER. I'm sure he learned some kind of lesson from his naughtiness? I'm trying to be good... at least until Santa has left my gift under the tree!

vicki archer said...

Naughty helps the nice on it's way Patricia.... I hope you son is recovering and being angelic for you... xv

Ivy Lane said...

hope your son is on the mend!

a little bit of glitter powder goes a long way...

just sayin....

Purple Flowers said...

Sorry to read about your son's experience.
A small amount of glitter near your eyes sets a wonderful holiday tone. Very small amount, maybe so only you know it's there. :)

Acquired Objects said...

Naughty is always tempting but then the grown up in me with the level head kicks in...I'd like to give my level side a kick! I hope your son is feeling better!

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

I think its good to have a balance of both. ;) hope your son is doing better! xo

Unknown said...

Oh, no! Oh boy! Hope he is better soon! Give him a gentle hug from me!
Naughty or nice, I am not always sure....I could use some more naughty too...!
