
Monday, December 19, 2011

holiday tips

 T'is the season and now is the time to give to certain folks who help us all year long.  You know who those various helpers are.  Think of them as elves in your life to make your world run a little smoother.
Money or gift cards always are appreciated no matter the nationality.  Think of your cleaning person, Gardener, Banker, Dry Cleaner, Doorman, Dog walker, Postman, Barista, Baker, Candlestick maker...well you get the idea.  If you happen to be all those people, then tip yourself with something nice!
 Fill a nice jar with a fun spoon, a package or two of hot cocoa some marshmallows and tie with a ribbon.  Last week on NPR I heard that drinking cocoa has many benefits to improve the circulation.
I stopped in a local spot when I was out running errands and while I was sitting enjoying my hot cocoa, a lady popped in to give the owner the prettiest amaryllis.  Certain plants always add cheer during the holidays.

There are many wonderful gifts to give to remember those who are part of our daily grind.  Just think of all those who may be need a little cheer this time of year.  Care to share any holiday tips?


  1. Our neighbors and good friends love a certain restaurant so we bought them a gift card to it. We can add to any time of the year with just click of a button. Nice to add onto for any occasion. So my tip would be to get a revolving gift card.

  2. Debra,
    I love the idea of giving the same gift. A dear friend of mine who valiantly fought cancer gave me cranberry chutney in a simple container. I miss her and the yearly chutney.
    How kind to give a gift card to a restaurant!
    What lucky neighbors.

  3. you are so thoughtful patricia. yes, i have my little gifts ready and all lined up in the kitchen. homemade organic jams that i made all summer long are wrapped in cello and tied with rafia. i adore getting homemade gifts this time of year. xo janet

  4. Homemade fudge to the Post Lady "Paula" who delivers our mail. She sings as she works, and always has a smile on her face. It's pure pleasure to see her!

  5. eeek! i love these illustrations AND tips! can't believe it's almost christmas...

  6. We make homemade granola and even the boys' bus driver gets a jar (after all, she's responsible for the safety and well-being of middle school kids!)

  7. We did breakfast bags of Applewood smoked bacon , maple syrup and Pannetone........for Pannetone French Toast. People loved it.Have a great Holiday. Maryannexo

  8. the cocoa jar is a wonderful idea and with added health benefits too - will have to make on for our marvelous milkman. I'm baking biscuits for my neighbours this year, we also made 10 dozen cupcakes for my daughter to take to school - that was a little mad!

  9. So true & kind of us to remember many who make daily life a joy. Hope you're well & having a great holiday season.

  10. Perfect! The ideas and your sweet illustrations!
    We usually give gift cards and small tokens of appreciation.
    Merry Christmas to you all!

  11. I have given Amaryllis for years. A greedy way to give them is to put them all out for your holiday party, then hand them to your guests on the way out.

  12. Aaah these illustrations are just DARLING!! Love the ideas, too :)
