Wednesday, December 07, 2011

edgy calm

This year has been an incredible journey.  Living under renovation has been more challenging than 18 years of raising twins.  My friends always tell me "How do you stay so calm?"  Part of maintaining an all is calm, all is bright attitude is finding time to embrace life and to know that there are many phases along with trends.  I have always admired a sort of what I call a minimal "edgy calm."
Teetering on the edge is inspiring to me.  I always admire the person with the Christmas tree tied to the top of the car on Christmas eve.  
Not buying into the commercial aspect, but rather finding the peace and serenity of a home filled with only what you love.
A fire and fresh flowers add a luminous quality to this edgy space.

To those of you who are waiting for Holiday artwork, I ask you to remain calm and know that I am working hard to deliver my best work while living on the edge of a twitchy calm.
Seriously, what was I thinking that life would be the same living under construction?

I have uncovered my soul that dwells within the dust.
I remind myself that all is calm, all is bright striving for an edge to my life.
Promise me that you will take a moment to find your calm within.


A Perfect Gray said...

thank you for that reminder. so often, when I am "teetering on the edge" I go over on the wrong side...thanks. donna

The Buzz Blog said...

Filing this post away for the day I need some calming inspiration... Construction starts next year for me and I know I'll be looking to your soothing words!

Anonymous said...

I shall have to remember the calm as our remodeling and building will hopefully start in the summer.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Most stressful time of anyones life is during construction and remodeling! Breathe just breathe!

Diane said...

I try to remind my family that staying calm will help in almost any situation. Calm is the opposite and cure for stress and anxiety! You cannot even think properly if you are overly stressed and anxious. Also, this time of year, the calm is part of the beauty, helps you see what is truly important.

Unknown said...

I think today is one of those edgy days. Lots of fun things to attend....just too many on one day...and it's raining.

Oh, and the renovation. I know you understand what a mess that is.

I'm keeping my eye on the prize!

Chic Coles said...

Thank you for helping us all find peace in this very busy time of year.Good luck with the construction.

I Dream Of said...

I just took a deep breath reminded myself that all is calm. I'll probably stop by and read your post again when I lose perspective.

I'm glad that you are rising from the dust of your project a wiser, smarter person who has more resources to find that inner calm! XO

PS - Hope ladies' night was merry and bright!

Gwen Driscoll said...

Such a beautiful post & so well said my friend. Keep the calm always!

Nelle Somerville said...

singing that hymn now, thank you! xoxo

Ann said...

Beautiful post and beautiful spaces! Is that your home? It's just lovely!

the gardener's cottage said...

oh patricia, i love these looks too. and i think i operate under an edgy calm persona too. i look calm at work but underneath i'm all business! and i too love those who wait until christmas eve to decorate. i think i might try that this year! what is the hurry anyway?

annechovie said...

I am right there with you, Sista! No reno here, but we live the Christmas artwork deadline season, don't we? xo

Unknown said...

And believe me, you are doing a marvelous job!
You manage it all and, like a circus artist, you keep all the balls flying!
I see you twirling and throwing them high in the air, always catching them back, with elegance and grace!

annie@mostlovelythings said...

It's always good to be reminded...thank you!

The French Tangerine said...

Beautiful post Patricia. And I know from experience, whatever you're working on will be worth the wait!!
I wish I could find calm easily, but it rarely comes... When I feel that everything is done... Which is almost never! Maybe that's why I love vacation so much! That's when I feel truly calm!

Unknown said...

Perfect timing for the busy holiday season.. everyone hustling and bustling around, I couldnt imagine having renovations done at the same time! Great and inspiring post =)

Virginia Country House said...

Great thought. Needed that today.

LPC said...

Those photos are beautiful. Are they of your house?