Monday, November 07, 2011

magical monday

My weekends seem to be that of a warrior.  My husband had hours of cleaning up debris from fallen branches and I finally caved in and cleaned up after the construction crew.  It actually did not take me that long.  A shelf is now host to paint cans, brushes, tools, rags, bags and I cannot wait to see the faces on the men when they arrive this morning.  I feel like the Fairy Godmother.

Identify a problem and then a solution to solve it or make it all better.  Often we may not think that we hold the magical powers to change a situation but we do.  This was a surprising revelation to me.  

Just imagine a pile of tangled ropes, masses of yarn sprawled about and one can suddenly create magic.
I found this rug on pinterest and it reminded me of how I felt after creating magic from the chaos.  Find the magic on Monday by solving a problem.

If you had one wish, what sort of wish would solve your problem and make your monday more magical?  Tell me.


The Buzz Blog said...

That runner is amazing and I wish all of life's tangles could magically turn into something lovely... My boys rarely notice when I pick up after them so I hope your crew does! Now, time to think of what I need from France!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I hop the crew notices and appreciates, but if not a sense of order even for yourself is nice. My only wish for this Monday would be that my body would feel less achey and more strong and energized!
Have a wonderful Monday!

TSL said...

I wish I had more time, and I simply don't know how to make that possible. I could not visit my fave blogs, but then I would be depressed without seeing cute rugs made of rope and pieces of this or that! Congrats on making your day a little brighter, and thanks for making mine as well.

Kwana said...

The power to type at the speed of light. That would make be so happy.
I love that rug.

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

What a great post!!! I'm like you the chaos gets to me, it's always good to start with a clean slate. Maybe your crew will clean up their act too:)

the gardener's cottage said...

awww what a lovely post. my biggest wish right now is for a peaceful holiday season. i don't know what kind of powers i would need to accomplish that. i suppose, like happiness, peace is an inside job. good place to start. have a lovely week yourself.


Unknown said...

Nothing feels as good as tidied up and everything in its place. After just a week of a jumbled mess (inside and out)...I can see I could use a fairy godmother on a weekly basis to get me through our project!!

I know you must be loving your finished spaces!!!
Happy Monday!

parenting articles said...

awesome stuffs!!

parenting articles

Jazzycupcakepanda said...

This is beautiful. I saw a Wall mural at a store once made with ropes like that. LOVE the idea

Divya said...

Its really amazing..Can you tell me how did you make it?