Thursday, December 01, 2011

holiday traditions

Holiday traditions are so very personal and sending out holiday greetings are too.  A client returned for their Holiday card with an image of their newly renovated home. In the forefront you see a sweet little boy building a snowman and his dog "Eloise" providing moral support.

This was the same little boy and dog illustrated for the Holiday card in 2008.
I love knowing that I am part of many holiday traditions all around the world, sending tidings of joy.

What sort of Holiday traditions are you preparing for in your home?
Did you ever think of a Holiday Tradition would share so much joy for years to come?


A guy named Lulu said...

<3 Usually mine is just spending time with my family and all :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous cards....! We always take a family photo for our card...this year we haven't yet...I have it in my mind I want a snow picture. Praying for a little snow to snap a picture to! Have a wonderful day!

Summer is a Verb said...

Rats. Missed the PVE holiday card boat again this year :(
I need to get this act together by August next year...XXOO

ps...can't wait to see your Mel and Monty masterpiece of Christmas '11!

California Girl said...

These are so nice, so personal.

Heather said...

That's so cute! I love your illustrations, and it's such a nice tradition for that family! We just went to the train show at the Bronx Botanical Garden of our new traditions as of the past few years! My son loves it...have you been? It might be very inspiring for your paintings...all the buildings in the train show are NYC landmarks make of bits of wood, acorns, pinecones, etc. It's pretty amazing!

I Dream Of said...

I love how you can just spy Eloise and the boy in the corner! Such a lovely winter wonderland of an illustration, and how wonderful to send a piece of PVE art into the world to friends and family at Christmas time.

We're off to find our tree this weekend and preparing for holiday parties in our home for my book club and our wine group. Time to deck the halls!

Beadboard UpCountry said...

So pretty!!!!!Adorable......You are so talented......Maryanne xo

Unknown said...

What a lovely card! So festive and winter white!
It is such fun to see how we both though about traditions....
Yours of course so close related to your own wonderful artwork!

Karena said...

Patricia you bring joy to so many year after year, that is so special!!

Please Come and enter the 1st of Twelve Days of Holiday giveaways! It is stunning!

Art by Karena

Diane said...

The little boy and his dog under the Christmas tree is just the sweetest card ever!

Glamour Drops said...

Oh wow that is gorgeous. I hope that client returns every few years to get a new one done, so that they (and you) will have a charming record of that little boy growing up.

I often ponder why we all get so excited about Christmas, when it has lost most of its religious meaning - well that's in Australia anyway - and is perhaps a bit of a generalisation. But perhaps part of the magic is the very idea of tradition. And the sense of security that brings with it. I'm all for it! Virginia xx

Unknown said...

Love your cards! Our traditions have changed a lot since my dad passed away but I plan to start some of my own.

xo Mary Jo

Pat said...

Always take a picture of my daughter, my husband and her twin boys by the tree for their 12/26 birthday.

quintessence said...

SO charming! And i love the portrait when the boy was a toddler with the dog - just precious!! We have just started 2 of our holiday traditions today - the daily hide and seek of the elf and our advent calendar

Millie said...

How delighted your clients must be with their gorgeous greeting card Patricia! Our biggest Holiday tradition is that MOTH the Christmas Grump appears without fail & the kids & I who LOVE Christmas need to put up with his shenanigans. Last year I suggested we keep him heavily sedated for 3 weeks, this year I going one step further & adminstering a constant slow infusion of general anaesthesia. I'll probably pull out his IV around Jan. 2!!
Millie xx

My Dog-Eared Pages said...

These are just lovely! It's great that they've come back to you again. And, what a treasure this card will always be for remembering this house renovation and their child building a snowman with Eloise. How wonderful, Patricia! ; )

Belle on Heels said...

STUNNING work as always!! we're working new traditions in our little married family :)

Jayne said...

LOVE your drawings. Will pass this on to my daughter who has a thriving personalized stationery business...too late for Christmas cards now - but next year!!!

LindsB said...

I love the tradition of having a personalized Christmas card! One day when I have a family I am totally having you do our cards!