Monday, October 24, 2011

hacking jacket

Each Fall, Jackets always seem to instantly add a layer of warmth and finish to one's look.
A Jacket in a tweed herringbone is like an old friend.
 I have always admired Janet from The Gardener's Cottage.  Look at how great she puts her vintage RL
Hacking Jacket together with boots, a chambray shirt and leggings for riding around town. Love the shades too.
Here she is again, belting this same jacket with a white shirt, jeans and lace-ups.  Do you have a hacking jacket or favorite fall jacket?  Feel free to send me photos of your favorite fall item.
e-mail to

top illustration -pve design for jmclaughlin (vintage)


Unknown said...

Oh, Janet looks so chic!!! I've got my new flats on (with yoga pants and fur trimmed cardigan). My "relaxed" look for the renovation!!!

Happy Monday!
xoxo Elizabeth

the gardener's cottage said...

ahh, patricia. you are so sweet. much love to you for featuring me and my herringbone jacket. we both send our love. xo janet

Kwana said...

She looks great. I bet I do have one hidden somewhere. Wonderful post.

I Dream Of said...

She looks quite chic! Love a herringbone hacking jacket - I just bought one for fall, and am glad to have Janet demonstrating how to style it! My fall favorites have to be my PJs... wish I could stay cozy inside wearing them all days, but high heels, dresses and the workday call!
Happy Monday!

quintessence said...

Love the illustration and the real life inspiration. I adore jackets and outerwear and loving that we're finally getting to the weather where I can sport them!!

Unknown said...

Love her hacking jacket! Especially the belted version--so very chic! If only it would get cold enough to wear one here!

xo Mary Jo

The Buzz Blog said...

Sadly, the 1950's tweed hunting jacket I stole from my dad in college is no longer with us... it would've been perfect to photograph! Nowadays, I'm more of a chuncky cable sweater person...

Unknown said...


Lovely look and great model. This look is so lovely and really in at the moment. I was out shopping and noticed the jacket trend picking up for this season. Love it!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous illustration....I love Janet's style I wish i could do what she did the 333 challenge.

Purple Flowers said...

Love the classics. As far as I am concerned they never fall out of style with me. Herringbone, tweeds - love them all!

A.U.G. said...

You have such an eye for design. So esoteric and poised!

Anonymous said...

Love your illustration of the Hacking jacket, and Janet looks simply stunning in her chambray and tweed. What a chic look for running around town!
xo E + J

Check out our current post for spooky craft ideas just in time for Halloween!

for the love of a house said...

Janet could wear a potato sack and look fabulous;) but I do love her hacking jacket!

happy week!

A Perfect Gray said...

keeping that "pink angels" image. stunning. and janet? love her. donna

kayce hughes said...

love the hacking jacket!

Stephen said...

hey great job with you blog and did you draw those pictures yourself?