Wednesday, September 14, 2011

lucky dog

Meet Snoopy.  He was my childhood dog.  During high school, I took oil painting lessons and shared my lessons with my Mother and this was the first painting that she did of Snoopy.  The last time I was home, I took a photo.  I adored Snoopy and this painting too.  My Mother raised seven of us, took care of countless animals, entertained, cooked and always seemed to find time to create.  I keep encouraging her to paint the way she encourages me.

I was in college when Snoopy left this planet to "doggie heaven" and I will never forget crying on the phone with my Mom.  I love this painting to remember what a sweet family dog he was and how much we all loved him.  I think Snoopy was one lucky dog.


Susan McClaskey said...

Your dog was lucky and so were you! When we can share our lives with animals we are better people for it.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love the Snoopy painting and your childhood dogs name! Having a dog and the love that goes with it is priceless. Other than my Sophie waking me up this morning at 4 am to have her belly rubbed I would say I can't imagine a life without a pet.

quintessence said...

Just love this heartfelt portrait!! Your mom was amazing! I remember when my dog went to "doggie heaven" when I was in college as well - such a sad day no matter how old you are!!

I Dream Of said...

Such a lovely memory and painting of Snoopy. You mother sounds absolutely amazing. I remember losing our first dog -- Winnie-- when I was in college. I still miss her. I like to imagine Snoopy, Winnie and all our doggie friend having a great time in "doggie heaven."

Kwana said...

What a sweetheart and beautiful painting. This brings a tear.

Joyce said...

I think both Snoopy and your family were lucky to have one another. I love the painting. Have you done one of Snoopy?
I love my dogs... xo

Nelle Somerville said...

How fun to have such a big family! I love that the artist fruit didn't fall far from the tree. Hope you are well PVE! xoxo, Nelle

Summer is a Verb said...

That's what I call a in the event of a fire, grab piece. You are going to make your granddaughter or great granddaughter veeery happy someday with all these masterpieces...XXOO

Karena said...

Patricia, this is just too sweet and heartfelt. What a special relationship!


Art by Karena

Easy and Elegant Life said...

I'd say that 99% of dogs are lucky critters. If my friends' and ours' are any indication....

Gotta love family portraits!

debra @ 5th and state said...

beautiful, simply beautiful

Unknown said...


Step outside tonight, look up at a sparkling star, name it Snoopy and everytime you get a chance to be outside remember to look up and wave to Snoopy in heaven. It's such a wonderful feeling. Helps the tears dry up too.

Love the name Snoopy, adore the painting and the story behind it that you've shared here today Thank You! Your Mum is a real living breathing Saint and a wonderful painter too.


annechovie said...

Your Mom sounds like such an amazing her painting and the name "Snoopy" for a dog. Thanks for the delish root veg recipe, too....xo

Hill Country House Girl said...

What a dear story, amazing mom, and precious dog. I love the painting and the name Snoopy. Makes me want to paint my Buddy right now.

designchic said...

How adorable...I can almost see to his sweet soul.

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Your mom sounds raise seven children and take time to share painting lessons with her daughter. The painting must be special to you for many reasons!

Emily said...

So endearing. Thank you Patricia for sharing this lovely painting and the story that goes with it.

The enchanted home said...

What a sweet painting! Dogs make our lives richer and more joyous and I love that you were able to keep his memory alive through your beautiful talent!

24 Corners said...

What a wonderful memory and it sounds like, a very wonderful pup. The painting is precious...I love that your mom paints as well...this beautiful gift definitely runs in the family, doesn't it?!
xo J~

Aspiring Kennedy said...

oh, i love this! i would buy it for myself if i saw it... but im sure you love it even more knowing snoopy! :) what a great name for a dog. hah!