Wednesday, September 07, 2011


It is raining outside and the forecast calls for more rain.  As you may well already know, we have had our unfair share of rain and rivulets around here.  All I want to do is sit at this desk under the glow of that brass lamp in front of that marvelous metallic grass cloth with a good read or a gold marker and draw.  I seem to be drawn to metals and mineral shades.
image from pinterest.


Gild and Grace said...

Hi, just discovered your great blog! Lovely images :)
Abbey x

Formerly known as Frau said...

I agree you have had too much rain send it to Texas they need it more. Rainy here to and first day of school, I want to curl up and read too. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Karena said...

A lovely spot indeed Patricia!! We have cooler weather this week at last!


Art by Karena

I Dream Of said...

Such a lovely warm glow. I hope the skies clear for you soon. Sending sunny thoughts!

Kwana said...

Beautiful image. Your neighbor here is so over this rain. OVER. IT. I wish we could send some to poor Texas right now.

quintessence said...

LOVE this beautiful image!! Yesterday took the cake!! The monsoon that ensued in the afternoon was just over the top!! Looking forward to some sunny skies again soon!!

Joyce said...

I would love to be near this wallpaper any time or day. It is beautiful. Rain again?! Ok so this might not be the time to let you know we are having another perfect day of sunshine and beautiful fall weather. :) HUGS my friend!!

The Buzz Blog said...

I'll join you under that desk... That glow warms me to my toes!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

that looks amazing. the perfect mix of luxe and rustic. right up my alley. take me there! :)

Unknown said...

What a comfortable and homey little spot.
The wallpaper is incredible!
Let's hope it's clearing up soon!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

that wallpaper is deeeelish! yesterday I thought the weather was kind of romantic. today I am over it