Monday, August 15, 2011

white load

"Let's go see the colors on the wall" - I exclaimed to my daughter.
To which she replied, "But, what's to see?" They are all white.
Yes, clever, cunning whites freshly painted on my walls.

Fresh buckets of white akin to an all white load of laundry.
While I have had my fair share of living with color, I am now taking a breather and welcoming all white, simply white, snow white, intense white, super white, and snow white, moonlight white.
Has this ever happened to you? Were you a color devotee and then you changed to all white environ or have you always lived in all white?

We will see how long I can live with the new white environs once we are settled in.
For now, I am off to toss in another white load.


Formerly known as Frau said...

I would love an all white kitchen...or living room and add and change splashes of color as I like. I have a feeling your will add color in other ways also. Have a wonderful Monday!

Sylvia Dziuba said...

sooo seductive, these are amazing, the white is so well used as a canvas in these interiors.... ah...

Purple Flowers said...

Such a healthy and pure look. Besides you can dress it anyway you want without stressing about if it matches etc.
I love it!!

Kwana said...

You make we want to go all white too. Feeling over color. I can't wait to see your walls.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I have always been one to love color, especially bold colors! I am thinking, though, at the new house we are going to go white and light!

I Dream Of said...

Funny, the many shades of white were on my mind this morning. Your comparison to a load of laundry is so perfect. I'm actually going the opposite direction -- starting with mostly whites, and finding myself adding in colors as I'm drawn to them. I feel like I need two homes --one all whites, one crackling with color!

Unknown said...

I'm with you..SO into white walls right now! Great choice!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I have been thinking about it. When I was a kid my Mom always had an all white house. I do think it takes the right kind of space.

Unknown said...


Yes it has happened to me and I call it cleansing my palatte. It's a good thing too.


annechovie said...

I can never have too much white....everything looks great against it! xx

Cassy said...

Very elegant looking place as it's all white. So pure and so tidy.

Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

quintessence said...

I lived with all white for years but am now in a color phase - not a lot of bright color, mind you, but definitely color. I do love all white and I think for you, as an artist, it's a wonderful backdrop. Keep us posted!

Glamour Drops said...

I lurch between lots of colour, then back to white, then lots of my houses just have to keep up!

24 Corners said...

I went back and forth for over a year...color/white, color/white...I almost went with the white but didn't, our woodwork is white but the walls all have color, except the master...would love to try all white sometime though.
Happy's going to bfe wonderful!
xo J~

The Buzz Blog said...

A white palette always lends itself to some fun, colorful accessories. Can't wait to see what you did!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

nothing like fresh, white walls! i think they are so classy and clean. love your pick!

for the love of a house said...

I think the white will be lovely, especially since you work with color in your art.
