
Friday, August 19, 2011

ratatouille's ratatouille

My husband spent many years living in the South of France and learned to make a mean ratatouille. There are a few versions, but one really just needs, garlic, onion, olive oil, eggplants, pepper, squash and zuchini and some herbs. Eating a diet which consists of good fats and veggies is part of eating a meditteranean diet which has many positive health benefits.
Do you prepare ratatouille?
You must try smitten kitchen's ratatouille's ratatouille. rat-tat-too-ee-for-you!
Enjoy with a piece of fresh fish and a glass of French wine.
pve design illustration for sheridan road mag.


  1. Would you believe I've never even tasted ratatouille?! But looking at the picture makes me question what I'm waiting for.

    LOVE your illustrations. I have one framed by my desk downstairs (the house) and another right by my upstairs desk (desk with tulip chandelier). They make me SO happy!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  2. i make a sloppy version. but i'm off to see hers. so lucky your husband can cook ANYTHING!


  3. This looks delish! I have always wanted a good ratatouille recipe....thank you!

  4. I've always wanted a good ratatouille recipe. Thanks for leading the way to it.
    Love the illustration - so cheery!

  5. Darling as usual. I agree with Pretty Pink Tulips; your art just makes me happy.

    Wishing my husband could make a signature least he knows how to slice a grapefruit and open a container of yogurt!!! Oh, and boil water. (ha, ha)

  6. Thanks for the recipe! I'm off to copy it, since I have the veggies sitting on the counter. :) Enjoy! xo

  7. Yum! Nothing like a great recipe paired with a pretty picture... Happy weekend!

  8. Looks and sounds delicious! And, my kids love the animated film by the same name. :)

  9. I have a hard time pronouncing it but I love it. I've never made it though. How fun to have a husband that loves to cook. Enjoy your weekend. Mona

  10. Elizabeth,
    What, you have never tasted Ratatouille? Well - I reckon there must be a Texas version!
    Another happy ~illustration is on your way :)
    Storm is a brewing...
    off to take cover.

    Indeed - I am blessed with a husband that likes to cook and one that even loves to clean up....we cannot wait for our new kitchen!

    5 Bickies,
    Glad you like the recipe!
    bon appetit!

    I need to send you some cheery work once my studio is ready for me....and these boys are off to College....sigh.

  11. Made it for dinner....absolutely amazing and as easy as 123!!!!! Thank you. If you don't mind, I am going to post on my blog and link to you and original blog. Thank you!

  12. i love ratatouille, but have never thought about making it at home. looks so fresh and delicious.... yes! making this before the summer ends... wish i would have seen it before we packed up from italy. would have been perfect for a night on the veranda.
