Tuesday, August 09, 2011

green and white

No secret that I do love the color green and white.
I am selecting the paint colors for our new addition.
Something lush about living with fresh green...
and lots of white.
Simply white has a quiet air of sophistication.
I am out to gather and bring home some fresh green and white paint colors and maybe some cuttings for added freshness.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous and fresh....love it! Have a wonderful day!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Green and white, always refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful colour set, the interior looks so fresh!

Karena said...

Patricia it is such a lovely, crisp, calming combination!


Art by Karena

JMW said...

Love, love green! Can't get enough of it, but I'm also partial to the many shades of blue. :)

Stacey said...

a calming and beautiful combo!

Ann said...

Oh its a lovely color combo...

And your inspirations are really nice, so fresh and fab ♥

I Dream Of said...

Sounds lovely. A little crisp white, a dash of fresh green. How fun to get lost in a pile of paint chips, imagining the possibilities...

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

So fresh and pretty:)

Southern Lady said...

Green and white...two of my favorite color combinations. So refreshing! Carla

Unknown said...

I automatically think of you when I see green and white!!! You will be finishing...and I just beginning. Have the town "wetlands" meeting to attend tonight. Just one of the many hurdles on my way to better living! :)

The Buzz Blog said...

Love a green and white color scheme and it doesn't fight with the great outdoors!

Joyce said...

I'm right there with ya sista for green and white. Love the combo. xo

Mary said...

my fave - though I don't show it on my blog...my logo has been a green and white stripe since 1998. LOVE IT

LindsB said...

I've been helping my friend plan her wedding and her colors are green and white- such a lovely combination together!