Wednesday, July 27, 2011

plain english

I am living without a kitchen now. In Plain English, I am kitchen-less.
Take-out or delivery or make-shift meals are at our ready.
I could easily be at home in any of these kitchen designs.
Would you care to stoke the fire for me come winter? We don't need it now, since we have been having a heat wave in the Northeast.
This kitchen has such a cool look. Love the simplicity in using only a few materials.
In Plain English, I cannot wait until I have a kitchen.
a pantry which will be a wall cabinet filled with staples and healthy snacks.
Looking forward to our first meal in our new kitchen in a few weeks.
Patience is a virtue in any language.


Formerly known as Frau said...

The hardest part of a renovation is being kitchen less...I hope you finding extra patience and have some thing set up to at least have your morning coffee or tea.

Unknown said...

Oh, how I remember the 6 weeks without a kitchen when we gutted and started over. Hang in there...I know the entire project has taken many months.

You will be so happy when it is complete and your toughest decision will be what to make for breakfast!!!

Anonymous said...

It will be worth the waiting! I love plain english kitchens, perfection.

Joyce said...

Let the count down begin. I bet you will be making many wonderful meals in your new kitchen and will be ready to toss the take out menus. xo

Beadboard UpCountry said...

It is such a process but hang in there! It will be so worth it!!!!!Pictures when you pull it together please!!!!!!!!!!Hang in there.....Meanwhile take the opportunity to doscover some great new restaurants.........1Maryanne xo

Purple Flowers said...

Keep your eye on the prize...and stay cool.

the gardener's cottage said...

the second to last image is pure heaven! no better time for takeout than during a heatwave.


autumn said...

what pretty images! i love all of the open shelving...definitely something i would love to do when we buy a house.

Unknown said...

How exciting to be waiting on a new kitchen. My eye was drawn to that first image, I am obsessing over re-doing my kitchen with white subway tile lately. Can't wait to see how yours turns out!

xo Mary Jo

quintessence said...

Such beautiful shots!! I love them all but I think the pantry is my favorite. So hard being without a kitchen but it will so fabulous when it is done!!

The enchanted home said...

Been there and done that and that first week eating out and taking out every night is a big treat but it can get old the end though it will all be worth it and all those home cooked meals in your new kitchen to be will be that much better!!

Michelle said...

Can't wait to see it Patricia...have a great weekend in Chicago...looking forward to hearing more!

Moments and Impressions said...

Hope time speeds along and you are soon stocking your new pantry shelves! Love that wood and white subway tile combo.

24 Corners said...

Your new kitchen is going to be fantastic and extremely wonderful...I just know it! Your a seasoned renovator now so just keep hanging in there...and keep looking at images like these to help keep that culinary dream alive.
xo J~