Monday, July 25, 2011

monday motivation - power nap

Never underestimate the power of a nap. It seems we all try to cram as much fun into the weekend and then on monday when we are back at our desks, a little nap can do a world of good for one's motivation. So today, I give you permission to lay your head down and close your eyes. Even if it is just a wee nap, feel the power and the flush fill your face with vim and vigor. Then it is back to work or whatever you need to check off that list of to do's. Promise me you will try a power nap.


Karena said...

Not often that I have one, however a power nap is such a luxury and is invigorating!


Art by Karena

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The enchanted home said...

So funny..I must send this to my mom. For YEARS she told me thats what was missing from my busy life, its all in taking a 15 min. nap she said, just enough to close your eyes and you will wake up feeling restored. I laughed and rolled my eyes for years. Then one day lo and behold I was so tired and fell asleep in the afternoon, and woke up 20 min. later feeling like a new person. Could my mom have been right all those years? HECK YES. So now its a regular part of many of my days..not every day but when I need it, I know now the full powers of a power nap!

Kwana said...

I may take your advice. Thanks!

annechovie said...

That photo is priceless, P! I hope you get a little nap time in soon - you hardworking superwoman! xx

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I'm not much of a nap person, but I will say on the rare occasion that I do power nap, I'm always shocked at how rejuvenated you can feel. Unfortunately my 2 yr old and 5 yr old are passed the nap stage. If either falls asleep during the day even for 15 mins it throws bed time for a loop.

24 Corners said...

Oh I wish I could's just never been in my make-up...I'm envious of those that can.
xo J~

Gretchen O. said...

Thanks for the I LOVE a good nap:) Hope you are well and having a good summer...naps included:)

DolceDreams said...

Thank you for giving me the ok!!
Have a wonderfully invigorating week Patricia !
p.s. love that photo...

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

power naps, siestas they all should be built into the day, but then more hours added into the day as well. :)

designchic said...

So wish I could nap...just not able to do it!! Precious image...

Unknown said...

Oh, I could use a nap. Although I didn't accomplish much today - lots of car time.

I'm back at my desk tonight and happy to catch up with friends. Contractors come next week for the first walk through then bids. Just about the time you are wrapping up.....we'll start knocking down walls.

Here's to improvements!! xx

Moments and Impressions said...

I try to do this... and I just can't get the power out. I wake up more tired than before. Lovely cabinet in this adorable photo.