Tuesday, July 12, 2011

creating space

Would you like to create more space for HAPPINESS?
The secret is in giving room.
Sometimes all we have to do is make a little room.
Have you read this book?

Are you creating space in your life for happiness or are you suffocating it by hoarding or holding on to things that are taking up space?
Summer is a time for giving space and adding a little creativity.


sevencherubs said...

Now this looks like a book that would suit me totally. Thanks for making me aware of it and I so love to add a a dash of happiness to my life. N x

Ann said...

Oh I could definitely use a little more happiness in my life...

Sounds like a nice and valuable book ♥

Formerly known as Frau said...

I haven't read the book but I like the idea of creating happy spaces. I'm pretty anal on my spaces being clear and clutter free. We have tuned in to the Hoarding show and it's disturbing I can't imagine having that much stuff. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

I Dream Of said...

Looks like a good read. Happiness is a practice, I think.

Emily said...

It's so nice to have room to breathe. Sounds like a good book to read! Happiness begets happiness, right?!

Karena said...

Patricia, I am now editing/ de-cluttering my home and it is so refreshing!


Art by Karena

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- Is this another "declutter the mind and house" book I don't have time to read?

Off to work on taming the mess in my walkout basement...


Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Boy there are several family members including my husband that I would love to read this book. I can't live with visual clutter, I tend to be on the minimal side. It even bothers me that my closet is in dire need of being cleaned out. I haven't read the book, but I definitely think that there is a lot to that.

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of this yet! My kind of title!!

I have been giving things to the VA, toting out bags of garbage. Having moved so many times, I've usually been kind of lean on "stuff", but with little boys in the house, I think things are multipling!!

I still have lots of work to do as my attic will no longer exist after September!! :)

carlee {deliciously organized} said...

I will definitely need to pick this one up. I'm really trying to get rid of "things" this year in my house. Once you get rid of the "stuff" that takes up space, you have less clean up time and more time to enjoy yourself.