Thursday, July 21, 2011

cool corner

After a few days of oppressive heat, we are all looking for a cool corner.

Loving this image. Lately, I am attracted to no color, to lots of wood, white and black and white images that have a certain handsome strength.

Stay cool in your own corner.


ArchitectDesign™ said...

we're doing out best! Love that painting too.

Whitney said...

Mmmm. What a divine image to see this week, whilst I swelter. 'Handsome' is the perfect word for the mood created in this corner. Wish we were sitting there, in that stately little chair, reading a magazine while the breeze blows in and out of the room. Ahhhhh... fantasty over.
Cheers, Whitney from Consider Yourself At Home

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

I am in the mountains of NC- now for a week and it is not so blissful here at present, unusually warm at 88. the white slip covers help anywhere!

CREED said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!

Unknown said...

I started the day off paddleboarding after camp drop off. The perfect exercise on a hot day like this!!!

And, then I skipped drying my hair - just clipped it up on my head.

Staying cool that way!!

the gardener's cottage said...

i've never seen this image before. i'd love to see the rest of the house. this is my ideal aesthetic. gorgeous.


the gardener's cottage said...


i was wasting my time today and got stuck on tumblr. do you ever do that? anyway i came across an image that i have to email to you but i can't find your email address anywhere. can you send it to me?

A Perfect Gray said...

agreed on all accounts. beautiful image...donna

Emily said...

Very cool, and very peaceful.

Maria Killam said...

Love that corner! We supply the water for the rest of the planet in Vancouver :) so we don't need cool corners :)