Friday, July 08, 2011

are we there

Being one of seven, can you imagine family vacations and the many mouths spouting "Are we there yet?" I need a mug like this while I juggle this home renovation. Part of the journey is the fun of getting there.

How many times this summer have you been asked this question?


Laur said...

LOVE that mug! HAHA! Thanks for the morning laugh!

Cheryl said...

Oh, I am laughing!! I felt this way about our addition! Thankfully, we are now there...well, almost there.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Ha!! I definitely needed this a couple weeks ago when driving down to SF, Max began the "are we there yet" a mere 1.5 hours into the 12 hour trip. Seriously, I thought, you have no idea what is in store. Now he talks about how a drive to the beach in a couple weeks will seem like nothing. Gotta love a little perspective! Janell

I Dream Of said...

I ask myself that question all the time! The whole remodel process feels DOES feel like an endless road trip! Hope you can pull of to the side and take a little break now and then!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Being one of five girls many summer road trips in the station wagon facing backwards yelling are we there yet??? Was a staple for many years! Good luck with your addition I hope you are near the end and see the light. Have a wonderful weekend!

The Buzz Blog said...

I have a feeling I'll be asked this question from the boys on road trips (6 hours to NH) and from the hubby on our porch renovation! Gotta get a mug!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

I cannot wait for the big reveal!!

The French Tangerine said...

With technology today, I think kids say it much less than we did! Now, they just plug in a movie or listen to a playlist! My husband needs a mug that says, "Are we done yet?" regarding "decorating" or "doing" or re-doing" my house...
And the answer will always be NO! We are never done!!! There is always something to upgrade, re-do, or add!
Hang in there... can't wait to see what's going on!

Unknown said...

My neighbors just moved back into their house across the street after an 8 month renovation! It looks fabulous. I know you're in the thick of it....hang in there.You'e almost there.

Easy words from the gal who hasn't started her reno yet!!!

Happy weekend!
xoxo E

DolceDreams said...

Great mug! Good luck with your work! Hopefully the answer will be given to you quickly :)
Enjoy your weekend,