
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

rabbit hill cottage

Does your cottage or home have a name? I loved capturing this charming "Rabbit Hill Cottage" and the bunnies, "Thumper and Maxie" are looking for carrots. I decided to add a carrot wind sock by the front door and a black and white awning to the sun porch. This was an illustration won as part of a give-away and I cannot wait to hear how the cottage owner likes the artwork.


  1. seriously about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I really love that carrot!

  2. Lovely...
    the carrot adds a lot of cuteness and character, pretty ♥

  3. A gorgeous representation of what it looks like the prettiest cottage I've ever seen. Love the carrot too, so cute!
    Have a great day Patricia.
    Claudia xo

  4. isn't that the cutest cottage..the carrot is a wonderful touch..have a lovely day, patricia..xx meenal

  5. Patricia~words just aren't enough to express the joy your beautiful painting of my home has brought me! When I bought this little cottage 10 years ago, it was all white~inside and out~with ugly, moldy metal awnings. I had already started working on the cottage itself when my mother moved in with me five years ago, along with 2 rabbits named Thumper and Maxie. Hence the name Rabbit Hill Cottage was born. She just turned 70 this past Friday and has always said she wants her legacy to me to be a beautiful yard that will remind me of her everyday. She loves to dig in the dirt and calls it her therapy. Her labor of love so far has created a beautiful rose garden in the back but the front is still a work in progress. I can't wait for your lovely artistic rendering of my cottage to arrive. Hopefully it will be the vision she needs to complete her legacy of love for me and give the cottage the beautiful front lawn it deserves! Sadly Thumper and Maxie are no longer with us (they both lived long, very pampered lives) but thanks to you, their spirit will still live on at Rabbit Hill Cottage. Thank you again for such a wonderful gift!

  6. Thanks to each of you, your comments remind me daily to keep hopping along, keep painting and keep making time to create and artful life.
    I feel so thankful and blessed to share this gift.

    Oh, your comment made my morning. I cannot wait for your Mom to open the package.

  7. Love it and now I need to start thinking every house deserves a name! Beautiful as always PVE!

  8. You put me right back in the world of Beatrix Potter!!

  9. We have bunnies all over the place! I have to hold Molly back on our daily walks b/c she wants to chase them.

    Love a cottage with a name. And, that carrot wind sock....darling!

    xo Elizabeth

  10. oh patricia you've done it again. what a gorgeous depiction of their cottage. i have a thing for white cottages and striped awnings! love the carrot windsock. and esp love the half dome awning. so, so beautiful and it is going to such a good home too.


  11. Adorable! Thumper and Maxie look right at home at this lovely cottage. I'm glad to see that you "keep hopping along" creating happiness as you go. It's so inspiring!

  12. Right now my home's name is "under construction" and the projects seem to be piling up! Once we're done, I'll need to come up with something clever - "domaine doodle" perhaps?

  13. Patricia,
    I love the whimsy in your paintings~ they make them truly yours.
    I have been thinking of you and your family.

  14. It is so cute!! Love the carrot by the door. We move way too much to name a house, maybe is our forever home:) When I was a kid we did have to un-name a house when we moved in. Villa Margene just didn't work for us.

  15. Such a lovely illustration and house as well! No, we do not have a name for our home, although Chaos de Casa pretty much sums up life with little kiddos at our abode. :)

  16. Loved Kim's story and how your art will continue the circle of great kindness.

  17. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I enjoyed checking out yours as well! Just beautiful illustrations!

    Our home actually does have a name: Evansgrove. The Evans' are the homeowners who have been incredibly generous to us as newlyweds. It feels so special referring to our home by its name & I hope to continue the trend in our new place!

  18. I would think the winner would treasure your whimsical, marvelous illustration of their charming bungalow. I have always wanted to name a home, I just need to stay put in one space long enough.

    You cannot go wrong with 'Rabbit Hill'. Who does not love rabbits?

    : )

  19. Love the name almost as much as I do your gorgeous rendering. how totally charming.
