
Friday, June 24, 2011

happy tears

The other day, "The Gardener's Cottage" posted the artwork that I had sent to her and a message that she was thinking of ending her blog. She posted that my artwork made her cry happy tears.

Just when Janet thought that she had posted every square inch of her cottage and her crisp wardrobe of a list of 33 items, she was moved by the moving comments left for her to ponder her blog existence. I cried happy tears to know that Janet has decided to stay the course.

Do you ever cry happy tears? When was the last time you had a good happy cry?


  1. Oh, goodness yes. And, I'm moved now knowing that you impacted another blogger in such a big way. I think we all need encouragement and sometimes we can lend it, not always knowing the difference it makes.

    But, you're that kind of person, Patricia.

    Here's to carrying on.....and caring!
    Happy weekend, dear friend!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  2. What a sweet post and a very sweet comment from Elizabeth! I get happy tears from cheesy TV commercials sometimes. Happy weekend! xx

  3. ok, tears again. we have to stop this!!!!! thank you again patricia for bringing happy tears to my eyes. still on the lookout for the perfect bamboo frame for my perfect drawing.


  4. PVE,

    Gosh...I cry happy tears all the time. My Aunt just called me and stated that I made her happy tears when I send cards. I guess that's how emotion is bold and beautiful and real.

    Have a blessed weekend!


  5. Happy tears..oh yes. Just last week with the news that son #1 landed a great job after months of struggling. I could of shot off fireworks if it weren't so dry! Bravo to Janet for continuing her blog, and bravo to you Patricia for your incredible ability to emotionally impact a person with your divine art.

  6. The other day when I was beginning to feel better.

  7. Your heart my friend is so pure and giving. You touch so many lives with your kindness and beautiful art. You always leave me speechless and feel honor to know you.

    As for happy tears, just this morning after I saw a photo of a dog that I have been following that was left skin and bones in a dumpster, is so full, bright, and happy in his new home. xo

  8. So glad to know her readers talked her into sticking around.

    I have cried a lot this week... happy and sad both and sometimes at the same time.
