Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sketch night

Planning on hopping in to the city for open sketch night at the Society of Illustrators. Nude models with an occasional accessory or two. Anyone nearby planning on going?


Karena said...

I do love long pose sessions. There is not one near me, so I have to also go into the city!

A New very Exciting Giveaway from Tracy Porter will start on the 1st!

Art by Karena

The French Tangerine said...

Boy did this catch my eye! A great sketch... a bit unexpected on my sidebar!

Unknown said...

Oh my.....sounds exciting!!! Love the "accessory or 2". I'd have to have 10+ accessories to be able to do a nude sitting. Just saying!! :)

Have fun!

pve design said...

Thanks as always for your kind comments and all your updates on the fab giveaways you host and post.

French Tangerine,
I knew we all needed something eye catching on this tuesday, after a 4 day weekend.

You have the best comments. I try to find a balance and I always love going out of my comfort zone at these nude sketch nights. They make me realize it is all for Art's sake.

Pretty Pink, (Elizabeth)
Oh yes....many accessories needed here!
I would need some very large blossoms or feathers...

The Buzz Blog said...

My accessories would include a full length robe but I admire anyone so intrepid as to pose with just two or so! Sounds like a fun evening...

Kwana said...

That sounds like so much fun. Haven't sketched nudes since college. Enjoy.

Heather said...

sounds fun! enjoy - :)

I Dream Of said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a few hours! Great sketch!!!

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

I'm still laughing at Elizabeth's comment on ten accessories for a nude sitting. That's not near enough for me. I'm sure this will be a great time. You'll have to share your sketch. Mona

Unknown said...

Oh sounds fun! I used to love classes with life model drawing, so great that you're doing this! Love this illustration--is this one of yours?

xo Mary Jo

quintessence said...

Accessories indeed!! Too funny!! I'm with all the others who would want many or large accessories for their sitting!!

Joyce said...

looks like it will be one wild and colorful event. Have fun. xo

Debra said...

If only I could join you! Oh, what fun!