Friday, May 27, 2011

rock the weekend

This weekend officially marks the start of Summer. Block Parties, Parades, Ice cream socials, picnics, movies and concerts in the park. The seasons always are full of good things to keep us all rockin! Rock the weekend people.

The winner of the sea star necklace from Julie Lorusso goes to Ellen, check out her fun blog here where she recreates photos of retirement life. Thanks for your comments and as always your support.


Kwana said...

Let the summer begin!

Southern Lady said...

Congrats to the winner! I'm headed to the coast to rock the weekend! Carla

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

Yay! Have a fab weekend! xx

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

What a great painting!! So much Summer spirit. Awesome! Blogger ate my domain address so I had to get a new blog address, It's a little like starting all over:(

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to have won the sea star necklace! Thanks for the shout out. Have a great weekend!

Deidra said...

Wow! Our church hosted a community block party a few years ago, and it looked just like your illustration!

Happy weekend!

quintessence said...

Congrats to Ellen!! Definitely getting ready for summer here!! Love your rock around the block illustration - adorable!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

yay! boston got the memo, finally sunny!

Claudia Lane said...

I'm a bit's cold here!...
Enjoy it!

Unknown said...

That is the CUTEST drawing!!!!

It's been a great so, off to The Little Flower School, then all about the beach the rest of the weekend.

School's out in a week and a half. Let the fun begin!
xoxo Elizabeth

24 Corners said...

You described summer so perfectly...can't wait!
xo J~