A friend of mine loves to keep her deck full of potted veggies for a bountiful harvest. She has herbs and tomatoes galore planned for a lovely Summer ahead. Evenings with a chilled glass of wine and some home made bruschetta!
Are you planting your potted garden or do you have a full blown bounty already in the ground?
I wouldnt know where to start I wish I did. My dad used to grow all sorts from potatoes, carrots, runner beans to strawberrys & rubbarb, the most Ive ever grown is cress haha I am not very green fingered but I would love to be
i was just at my cousins, and she does the same thing. She put fresh mint in our Mint Juleps for the Kentucky Derby....it's a great idea. I want to make my own. cute illustration.
Given all this rain, I've barely set foot in the garden! Would love to plant veggies on the terrace but wonder if the deer would be so bold as to help themselves!
I wish I did, the deer eat everything here so I may do a basil plant but that is it besides flowers. I haven't planted anything we have had so much rain my beds are out of control with weeds!
i would love to plant veggies on my terrace. I order a book on amazon yesterday about that :-)
I'm about to move to rural NC and am hoping to have my first garden! (Even if I'm still in an apt.)
I just read an article in Marie Claire about a woman who started her own business that shows others how to start their own apartment gardens. She's super-successful!
I don't have a deck, but my front porch is all bedecked out--strickly for looks though. I only have flowers. However, I have planted four basil plants outside my back, kitchen door. I love bruchetta in the summer too!
I think I know that friend. I may just borrow some of hers or better yet ask her to help me plant a pot.
Lovely pictures...
My 'maters are languishing. I'm terribly sad but hoping for a full recovery:).
I killed all of our window herbs last summer, but I will probably try again.
I love trees and shrubs so there went the sun! Thinking I need to plant herbs in pots on wheels so I can wheel them around chasing the day's sun patterns. Fresh basil and homegrown tomatoes: summer heaven.
Yes I have been planting my containers (see some on my post today). I hope to give my hand a try with potatoes too. I still have 10 more containers to go, but with the rain today- I decided to finish painting my office. I just have the trim to finish. xo
A friend gave me a little pot of mint....and it's growing like a weed!!! I see some mint iced tea in my future!!!
xo E
What a darling illustration. My parents are great gardeners. I'm attempting some tomatoes, herbs, and sugar snap peas. But I don't know...we'll see. Good luck on your gardening!
i actually have both... and love having the option of changing up pots each year... thinking of adding raised beds (with my aging back - very raised beds) i have always loved them so...
hope you are doing really well... and as always... love your darling painting... xoxo
Love this illustration! We've always had herb pots but with the house stuff goin gon we've skipped this year and last...I miss them!
xo J~
I am late late late. I do this every year. I will plant my seeds tomorow!
I cant wait to have a garden of my own one day- even a little potted garden at that :)
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