Wednesday, May 04, 2011

here goes

Since my studio is under renovation and the worst of the dust is about to ensue, I have taken this space for the next few months. I went yesterday to sweep and take inventory of what I need to bring. Let's just say the space came to me and I could not be happier.
I am giving myself a challenge this summer.
Firstly, I have a few commissions to complete and then I am painting a series of work for me.
I am looking forward to having a studio to go and really lose myself in my work.
Here goes. Wish me luck. I am looking forward to sharing my new paintings.


Unknown said...

Cant wait to see the new paintings

Bruce Barone said...

Wishing you all the best. The space looks great. I am positive you will share with us many beautiful works of art.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Looks like a beautiful space with great lighting! Can't wait to see what you create!

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

This is where the masterpieces will be created! I will be wonderful to have a place to focus on your work! Be sure to check out my Nico and Lala giveaway. xx

Purple Flowers said...

You give of yourself to so many people. I am glad you are going to create some new art for yourself. I know you will enjoy the process.

La Maison Fou said...

Good luck and happy painting PVE!

the gardener's cottage said...

hi patricia,

wow, i love that window - so much light. since you are an artist i wanted to tell you to pop over to an urban cottage and take a look at his new tv stand. if anyone could appreciate it, it would be you. i think it's brilliant.


LindsB said...

what a fab new space! cant wait to see this new series you are doing...its sure to be amazing!

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

this is very exciting. Do you wonder-already that you may never give it up?! I can not wait to see the AFTER, fully charged with creative vibrations. pgt

Crystal said...

How wonderful your new space will be...wishing you endless creativity! :-)

Crystal said...

How wonderful your new space will be...wishing you endless creativity! :-)

Crystal said...

How wonderful your new space will be...wishing you endless creativity! :-)

Ryland Witt said...

Looks like a great canvas for creativity!

I Dream Of said...

Oh! Wonderful! Wishing you all sorts of luck and painting magic. I can imagine you working away, lost in the creative process, and I love that you are working on paintings for you! Can't wait to see the results. Have so much fun.XO

Stephanie Sabbe said...

awesome space! can't wait to see what beautiful work comes out of it!!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

best wishes on your work ~ you will be GREAT!

wow, lucky you ~ love this interim space ~ what a window ~ what light! a wonderful space to get lost in ... very nice.


Courtney said...

Such a dream! Have Fun! Can't wait to see the new work.


Aspiring Kennedy said...

hooray! i wish you lots of luck... your adoring fans can't wait to see what this space turns out for the world! (and for your own enjoyment...)

Unknown said...


Happy spring Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful looking studio, it looks like a great place to work. Good luck!

Claudia Lane said...

How exciting Patricia, it looks like a beautiful sure you'll produce a lot of incredibly beautiful art there. :))

bentley said...

that sounds amazing. a new place is so inspiring! looking forward to seeing all your new creations.

24 Corners said...

Look at those perfect!
Have fun in your new space...I just know there will be loads of new inspiration just from being here!
xo J~

24 Corners said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moments and Impressions said...

WHat a great spot to park for a little bit... a new place and a new creative tug. Happy painting.

Bring Pretty Back said...

I can not wait to see your new studio complete! How very exciting!!!!
Have a pretty day!

Emily said...

Good luck Patricia! Jump in and have fun. I can't wait to see what you do!

Unknown said...

An atelier for PVE.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

looks like such a great backdrop to work and be creative. Enjoy it!

CREED said...

New environments can bring new energy and insprirations. Enjoy your temporary new space, the best is yet to come!