
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My Mother has always told me that progress makes perfect.
Progress is being made on my studio.
The workers have had a relentless winter and had to work around snow and freezing temperatures.
Weekly meetings and daily tasks bring us closer to seeing things take shape.
It is all very exciting and a bit scary.

My new studio space will give me room to paint larger works and an area to devote to my love of design and art.
Pardon the mess, but my father has always told me, "Messes mean progress."
I love knowing that all this will be for the betterment of my future work.
I look forward to my work taking on new meaning, having a dedicated space.
Thank-you to each of you for your encouragement, motivation and support.


  1. It looks like it is going to be a wonderful space for you to create! Progress is good, and soon the word will be completion

  2. I can't wait to see the finished studio! All the windows to let the golden morning sun in and to see the beautiful sunsets in the evening. Will you studio hold it's own door too?

    Hmmm... I think your walks need a little something before the dry wall goes up. I just had an idea... xo

  3. This really is more than a studio. It is a space for you to soar!

  4. art2cee2-
    Completion seems so far away, so I pray for patience and strength and sunny blue skies for the workers too.

    yes, of course, a door, a lock and a key to my heart.
    What sort of something did you have in mind for my walls? do tell....

    yes, it will be a place to spread my wings and to roost.

  5. SO exciting!! Please kekep us updated as the project progresses - I do miss having one - I just love seeing it all come together!!

  6. I can't wait to see the finished studio! I'm so excited for you. Carla

  7. look at all that space! hooray for you and I do hope that they make speedy cork to completion.

  8. So exciting to see how it turns out ! Progress is coming and soon your masterpieces will come to life. Next page in your life is all too much!

  9. Nest wishes for a space of calm and serenity where inspiration finds you at every turn ~

    I have always had to work in whatever space was available at any given moment, for large works or otherwise ~ I am a nomad.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing your progress with us. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see the final results -- and the amazing work you'll be able to create there! And, I am going to save "Mess means progress" in my quote file!

  11. This is going to be such an inspirational space for you. I can't wait to see it done.

  12. Oh my is this exciting or what! I think a workspace is such a wonder for any creative person. Can't wait to see it!!!!

  13. I'm soo excited for you, love seeing the progress! This is a dream for any artist or designer. A dedicated studio for your art will elevate your mindset and your work to new levels. The best is yet to come........

  14. How exciting!!! Ah... a clean slate .. I can't wait to see how you finish it!

  15. So excited to see this! Keep showing us snipets as the progress goes on.

  16. My mom always says, "Dull women have immaculate houses." I live by it through our messy life! Can't wait to see the final!

  17. so exciting! i can't wait for our photo session in your new abode.

  18. The ultimate for an artist- your own studio! Your own space- now we can watch you spread those wings!

    Love watching its progress!

  19. if a mess means progress, then i am the most progressive person ever :)

  20. Patricia- Beautiful! It looks like you are getting ready for a big concrete pour, no?

    The blank spaces to be filled with windows look so promising. This will be a dream space for you to grow your dreams. I am so happy for you. Larger works? That's so exciting! Yea!


    p.s. my smaller construction project looks like it will start to move forward - April! The contractor just asked to move the ordered windows to the site.

  21. wow! linds told me you were doing some work, but this is some serious work! so exciting!!

  22. What a wonderful space its going to be - very excited for you, and hopeful for a similar place for me in the future! Good luck with the final stages.

  23. I have seen it for myself, progress is made, through mess and more! The results will be extraordinary and you will so enjoy years and years of creative work, relaxation and best of times with your family and friends!
    Come on over tomorrow to my blog for a little surprise!
    Much love!

  24. Lucky you! I can just picture you in that space when it's all done! Amazing!

  25. How terrific to see it progressing along!!! I'm sure it will be a dream space!

  26. That's not a mess...that's the beginning to a whole new world of creativity and artful's going to be so wonderful!
    xo J~

  27. It's look fabulous and it looks like the snow has cleared too which must be a big help to your builders!!!

