
Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Here is my son, who will be skiing at The High School States in Lake Placid at Whiteface Mountain. Hurling yourself down the mountain like greased lightning wearing a speed suit constructed out of spandex takes great motivation and dedication. It is certainly not a sport for the weak nor the timid, however flying down the mountain there is an adrenaline rush that propels one to acquiesce to the finish line.

Along with motivation and dedication to the sport, an athlete also engages in the culture of the sport. Tuning skis, attending practice and fueling the fire to compete takes initiative and get-up-and-go. Up the proverbial mountain to slide down again, after all "repetition is the mother of learning" which is all part of our journey.

Only 8 weeks ago he had an emergency appendectomy and here he is back in the fast lane of life. He made history for his High school team, the first ever to make it to States for skiing. I have a strong feeling that what he has learned from this experience has added to his character and to his drive to succeed at whatever lies ahead. The dedication, the routine, sportsmanship is no doubt due to his desire to achieve.

As a Mother, witnessing motivation is a beautiful thing. We try so hard to hold on but we know that at one point they will just get-up-and-go. Motivation is one part just an innate philospy, originating from one's own mind and passion is another part to keep one coming back for more.

Do you think motivation can be taught, coached or comes from within?


  1. Go pve Boy! Motivation is half innate and half upbringing, I think, like everything else:). Congratulations to you all!

  2. how awesome patricia!

    congrats to your son, that is quite an accomplishment. you must be SO proud.

    i don't believe motivation can be taught but that it comes from within.


  3. what a trooper! i love skiing, but that is a whole new level! very impressive. :)

  4. Congratulations to your son! That is a great photo!! I agree with LPC on motivation. xoxo

  5. I think a little of both! I know you are so proud of your son. I wish him the very best! Carla

  6. You must be so proud!!! Congratulations to you all:)

  7. I think motivation comes from within, and can be coached. Congratulations to your son, and to you and the rest of your family.

  8. Stopping by to say hello and wish you a happy March 1!


  9. Wishing him all the best in Lake Placid! I think motivation comes from within but I have a feeling you've nutured it in the best way possible at home.

  10. No way- my cousin just graduated from there. He's actually still there training this semester too. What a small world! He had an amazing experience. Congrats to your son!!

  11. Look at him go. You must be so proud. I'm glad he's made such a strong recovery. I think that motivation can be coached, and that great parents like you, and other role models, play an important part in that. But it's innate, too, and tied to passion--we are quicker to be motivated around things we love, than things we aren't as interested in...Speaking of which it's time for me to motivate to clean the kitchen!

  12. I think motivation starts as a flame that you're born with and parenting creates the fire... It helps to be passionate about what you're doing, too!

  13. Congrats to your racer! I think Motivation comes from within! My daughter raced for awhile it's so exciting to watch...I wish him the best of luck in his race!

  14. How fabulous!! Very exciting!! I think motivation comes from within but that being said, children certainly learn by example so I'm sure you have been a wonderful role model in that regard!

  15. I agree with all of the comments so far. I also believe that motivation comes from having fantastic love and support from friends and family who will be always there to encourage you!

  16. Wow - how exciting, you must be so proud! I think motivation is both self taught and passed down by parents...and what a fabulous combination as it speaks on behalf of your parenting and the charecter of your studly son!!

  17. awesome, awesome, awesome! he is an inspiration. go pve son!

  18. First off, WOO HOO! Just so fantastic about his drive and the success that has resulted from it.

    Second, you and your husband are obviously doing an amazing job as parents b/c he may have the desire, but without your support and sacrifice, he wouldn't be there.

    Third, I'm not sure if motivation can be taught. I think you can coach it out...but at the end of the day, it must come from within.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  19. Congratulations to your son. Motivation - one's lucky to have all three: to be taught and coached (I think he has this in both you and your husband), and it's obvious that he is motivated from within. He's been blessed to have someone stage the path. Even more blessed to have the strength to choose well and be his own person! Every parent's dream.

  20. WOW- truly amazing! It doesn't surprise me you have raised a fine young man (men) with all the great sweet stuff within. I love the photo of him in action. I cannot believe he had surgery 8 weeks ago!! xo

  21. Wowza! Totally impressed. Between the skiing, swimming, dance and who knows what else you've sure got your hands full. Annnd, probably and excuse for a chauffeur's cap if ever there was one...XXOO've rcvd a couple of fan shout outs in the comments sec over at Matters of Style blog :)

  22. So exciting! I believe that being "board" is the best way to teach motivation. For my children motivation is plentiful when doing what they love. It is the other areas that need some practice.

  23. I think motivation is 60% inner spirit and 40% witnessing great guidance and admired examples.
    Good luck!

  24. What supportive and enthusiastic comments. Perhaps I should have listened more carefully in Psyche class in college - to learn more about motivation and one's own mind. Thanks so much for your comments.
    I have passed them along to my racer.

  25. Congrats to your son- what a great accomplishment- I hope he comes in first in States!!

  26. He's a star, and he has a fabulous mom too! Great photo.

  27. Yay for your son! And I love the picture.

    I believe motivation can, and does, come from within BUT I think it can be fostered as well. I think of those who aren't in the best of circumstances, and are able to motivate themselves to make better (motivation based on necessity of circumstance, I guess you could say). And there are those still who are motivated by money...which isn't really a positive motivation at all.

    But enough of my deep motivational thoughts, lol. Congratulations to your son!
