What are some items that are in your pantry that you have on hand?
It is amazing what happiness can be found on a pantry shelf....on a snow day.
Here's a list of your staples-
baked beans
tomato's - crushed. canned
steel cut oats
Yes, if there is a fully stocked pantry it is easy to whip a meal at a minute's notice - although of course this only works when it is all tidy and in order. Still working on that part!
I'd love a pantry, especially a beautifully organised one! I always have tins of tomatoes, pesto, pasta and for some reason baked beans.
We have a pantry which we use on a regular basis dry goods such as pastas, beans, lentils etc. Whole organic tomatoes for sauce, cans of tuna and different types of rice. Various combination along w/fresh veggies can make a wonderful meal. Recently, we checked all the expiry dates to make sure things were okay.
We do have a lovely pantry space. It has those wretched wire grids, though! You know the ones that will not allow you to set boxes on them without having them tip over?
I have an evil plot to replace the wire with some good old fashioned wood shelves!
I love "Urban Pantry!"
When I first got the book, I immediately went to my own pantry and weeded out inferior products and made a shopping list and it has made the past few weeks so easy! Plus, the recipes are delicious!! It has been perfect for a cold and icky winter!
So true - I used my snow day to go through closets! Now if only I could keep my "scratch" on hand, my sons would love me to bake more things... from scratch, that is!
During the winter I always have stables to make chilis or any kind of soup. Using a lot of beans and pastas around and a freezer full of meats. But if all else falls there is always PB&J!
We just moved to Chicago and were delighted and surprised to find a city apartment with a lovely old pantry.
I always have beans, rice, tomatoes, steel cut oats, lots of tea, chocolate. . .
Yes, even if you don't have a pantry, you need a few shelves somewhere for pasta, tomaoes, rice, etc. Keeps life orderly.
Hmmmm...let me see. Crackers in the pantry with cheese in the fridge...a must. Pasta, rice, risotto...along with veggies in the fridge and I can always whip something up. Must check out that book.
Love all the jars! My freezer is where I turn to for "instant dinner"...I have homemade soups, spaghetti sauce, meatballs, etc!
You have a well stocked pantry. Mine is similiar. One of my favorites to have on hand is white truffle butter (well it isn't kept in the pantry, but fridge or freezer). Along with wide pasta. It is our new favorite dish to go to when in a crunch. xo
Your list is my list! I do feel like I should do a better job of making a meal with what I have. Add that to my growing list of goals for the year! :)
I just went over and looked at the book. It does look good! Thanks for sharing my friend. xo
hi patricia,
my pantry is prob my favorite room in my house! it's tiny but holds all the goodies. have you ever read "the perfect pantry" blog? you should check it out, i think you'll like it. i even submitted my pantry there.
A well stocked pantry is essential especially with the season we're having.
I think the pantry is where magic starts. I think if I canned tomatoes on hand, I can make something out of nothing much. I don't have a pantry but when I redo the kitchen everything will be out in the open. Looking forward to creating my own little "store."
ps more snow on its way in Kansas. Nothing says winter like having a full pantry and not having to shop in snow!
Yes, a stocked pantry makes me very happy. Now, if my pantry only looked this pretty.
I've found that the items in my pantry have evolved and changed as my children have grown older. Where once was baby food, came jumbo boxes of Gold Fish. That space has now come to hold more 'grown-up' foods. Sigh. Who thought one could become all silly and sentimental over a pantry. Roxanne
I believe I have all of those on hand. Along with a can of cream of mushroom soup. With that, the possibilities are endless. . .
I love pantry meals, I have worked on a lot of cooking shows and have placed quite a few of those pantry meals in to my weekly circulation. My fave: saute some onions, pour in tomato soup, heat to a boil, add those barilla dried tortellini, cook till very swollen, right before serving add some fresh spinach, top with shaved parm. Delicious! and it came from a show called Cooking Thin so it is supposed to be good for you. Perfect lunch for a chilly day.
I have a pretty well stocked pantry - but don't know that I could cook dinner from it. I make a trip to the market every day!!
Patricia- Chocolate never goes in a pantry. It hits my mouth first.
My parents home has a little walk-in pantry off the kitchen and I'm so happy to see that style of kitchen design coming back. Wish I had a walk-in pantry!
An area of my life that could use a lot of improvement..especially given the number of snow days around here lately!
Hmm,looks like I have to stock up on beans, otherwise I'm good to go!
Aussies tend to cook a lot of Asian dishes these days, so I always have a stock of really good prepared Thai curry pastes (red, green & yellow), cans of coconut milk/cream, fish sauce & palm sugar on the pantry shelves. If you'd asked me 20 years ago though Patricia, boy it would have been a whole different list!
Millie x
I have all of the above except the chocolate. Just can't seem to keep that stocked, I see it, I eat it. I'm such a homebody, a stocked pantry and wine fridge on a snowy wintry day is bliss.
That looks like my Grandmas pantry too- she is always a whiz at whipping up the best dinners too!
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