Friday, January 14, 2011

even better

Thank-you to each of you for taking time out of your day to stop here.
Your faith in me is a great motivator.
Last time I checked I had nearly 700 followers!
A special thanks goes out to one of my very special sponsors, J.McLaughlin.
I first began illustrating for J.McLaughlin when they had three shops, now there are 40 plus stores
"even better SALE" going on right now.
up to 70% off...
Tell me what item would make your day even better?


Ann said...

Oh I love visiting your blog years ago and until now ...I stopped blogging for awhile and now you can count me as your newest follower as of now.

Aspiring Kennedy said...

700 followers? congrats!! your blog is so inspiring, and you are so lovely- it comes as no surprise. :)

ooh, 70% off. i'm digging those bright stretch cords. those with some boots, a pretty pea coat, and a day picnicing at blenheim palace would be quite a combo. :)

The Buzz Blog said...

And thank you for giving us a lovely start to every day, Patricia! What would make my day a tiny bit better would be a little warmth - weatherwise, that is!

pve design said...


Aspiring Kennedy-(Lauren)
I will print this out and read it on my dark days...when I think I am falling down a deep dark abyss.

The Buzz-
Yes, a little warmer is is chilly but a good brisk walk gets my circulation pumping!
Thanks for your wonderfully warm sunny comments.

quintessence said...

That certainly a devoted following - with good reason. Always an inspiring tidbit to start my day! Will have to check out the sale!!

Gretchen O. said...

I was in a store recently and saw an awesome JMclaughlin dress and thought of you:) And 700 followers, that is fantastic!

pve design said...

thank-you. I aspire to write as eloquently as you...
your posts are always wise as they are elegant.

Well almost 700, but who's counting or looking behind to see who is following. I just keep looking ahead...and dreaming of my new kitchen and my new studio....

ashley sullivan said...

i just love popping in from time to time- it's such a cheery place you keep here! there is a j.mclaughlin right near my home and i may just have to pop in... now i will always think of you!

Katharine @ SouthernBourbonMountains said...

Congrats on your followers! I think JMc should send a gift! And what items would make my day?? the Harbor Dress would beat the winter blues, the Clarabelle Cardigan looks so cozy, and the Prima Cardigan would be great after baby is here!

Susan McClaskey said...

You have a beautiful blog and I'm not surprised it's a success! Just seeing your painting of J. McLaughlin makes me want to go visit it.

Joyce said...

I enjoy visiting your corner daily, seeing the beauty you create with your brush and reading your kind words.

WOW 700! You are The Pied Piper of good cheers and a golden heart!

Hmmm... right now I could go for a nice warm sweater.

Enjoy your weekend my friend. xo

Bruce Barone said...

This is such a place of love and beauty.

Thank You.

Unknown said...

Just drove by the Greenwich J. McLaughlin yesterday, which of course makes me think of you!

I am so happy to count myself among the 700 who stop by on a regular get the pve fix.

Congratulations....and happy weekend!
xo Elizabeth

Prairie Girl Studio said...

you are so admired for your dedication and hard work sharing and inspiring to SO many every single day!
like aspiring kennedy, it comes as no surprise you have 700 followers ... and i bet a bunch more!
it is really cool that your work is part of j.mclaughlin's legacy!

i took a little 'boo' at their site and i am thinking the 'emma popcorn cardigan' would add fun to my day! : )

cheers and happy weekend, pve ~

LPC said...

Congratulations. Well deserved. You have such a consistent presence and aesthetic. What we read here we can't read or see elsewhere.

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- We love to follow you!

As for J.Mclaughlin, I'll take anything. Even the awnings.


Karena said...

Patricia I am excited for you and your success!

I do miss walking and biking this time of year when it is frigid!
Off to check out the sale!

Come and join my Giveaway from Blydesign!

Art by Karena

Maria Killam said...

3 - 40 stores!! Wow that is so cool Patricia. Love your work it's beautiful!