Wednesday, December 01, 2010

wordless wednesday

December first renders me speechless yet full of imeasurable grace on a wordless wednesday.
Promise to make time for silent moments with your eyes closed.

Just enjoy the magic of this month.


René said...

Such a calming reminder for the "busy"-ness ahead. Thank you.


Purple Flowers said...

I love making time for silent moments. It replenishes my soul...and I feel refreshed.

Thank you for sharing this post.

Emily said...

A wonderful way to start the morning! Thank you pve.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely thought, PVE!

Joyce said...

This photo speaks peace, joy and calmness. I like how the fern in front of her is still stretching to open up. Beautiful!

PS maybe we can sit up a play date with our little garden gals. I posted a sweet one I photographed yesterday. smile.... xo

quintessence said...

Lovely! I am rarely without words as my friends and family can attest to but I will attempt to take a moment of silence today!

I Dream Of said...

Such a peaceful, lovely thought for the start of a busy work day. I will remember to take small moments to just breath and take it all in. Thanks for the reminder...and thanks for all the encouraging comments. They are very much appreciated!

Unknown said...

Yes to this! A good way to begin this month!
Thanks, Patricia!


Karena said...

Patricia thank you for these thoughts for this month of wonder.

Art by Karena

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Beautiful post and image:)

the gardener's cottage said...

thank you patricia.

your words pair perfectly with the christmas angel nestled in ferns. you cant' see it in the picture but she is holding a christmas wreath.


Bruce Barone said...


Janet said...

Thank you for the reminder. I needed a quiet moment.

24 Corners said...

Beautiful image and post. One to keep tucked in ones spirit throughout this very busy, yet very special month.
xo J~

Unknown said...

Love this angel - it reminds me of the one at my mom's.

I sleep beneath a wooden angel I found at the Santa Fe flea market years ago.

Kind of like my own little guardian angel. Enjoy the magic of the season!
xo E

The Buzz Blog said...

So pretty and thoughtful... am speechless now and will take time this month to just sit and listen to the music of the month.

bentley said...

hank you for reminding me to "just enjoy the magic of this month."