Tuesday, December 14, 2010

good tidings

my holiday tidings
the paper is perfect for attaching a photo or a special little original work of art.
After illustrating so many holiday cards, when it came time for my own, I found such lovely letterpress over here at bdr-studio. (found on etsy mind you!)
Given that our twins will be heading off to college next fall, (we hope) we thought it best a holiday photo card was best. I am thrilled with the small size and the simplicity.
Danielle has lovely cheery designs.
I know many send e-cards or do not send any at all.
I still love getting cards in the mail, be it a photo or some hand made greeting.
Do you still send out greetings?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! I love your card!

pve design said...

Twist of Lime,
I am still getting grief over the photo. I think my kids hate photos as much as I do!

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I always knew your holiday cards would be amazing! Love the candid photo of your kids and of course the artwork!!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous cards! I send out but notice less and less people do!

Unknown said...

I am enamored with your cards!!! So classic, love the petite size and of course to see your smiling children (one who is a dead ringer for you)!!!

I'm still working on getting mine out. But, now I wish I had done something as pretty as yours! :)

Dana said...

Such a great card! I still love to open the mail box and find cards in the days leading up to Christmas - that personal touch an e-card can't really give.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I love receiving holiday cards! Though this year I was beginning to wonder if everyone had decided to stop, I just received the first two yesterday!

Party Resources said...

Love this post - instant smile! xx

Southern Lady said...

I have to admit that I do not send out Christmas cards. I just find myself too busy to sit down and get them ready. Maybe next year I will have picture cards printed out. That seems pretty easy! Carla

designchic said...

I always love giving and receiving photo cards...so personal!! Adore your pick and your family is beautiful!!

Kwana said...

You know I do. I have to go and pick up mine. They are not quite ready yet. Love this pic of your clan.

I Dream Of said...

Love yours. Letter press is one of my favorite things... I am working away on our cards... each one made by hand...and love coming home and checking the mail for greeting from friends near and far.

the gardener's cottage said...

hi patricia,

your daughter looks just like you!

my christmas card list has shrunk over the years to just about zero. that is sad and maybe i should do something about it.


Joyce said...

Love the sweet smiles of your holiday card! I am an old fashion gal at heart I love to send out letters/cards through the mail and still carry a calendar notebook in my purse. xo

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- What beautiful smiles JP, Joseph and Amelia have. A very handsome trio! Your cards are lovely.

I'll be mailing a collage letter to friends. Took pics of the kids this weekend.

Hope you can come over to my blog because I've got another jewelry giveaway. (It's a great one!)


Laurie said...

What a great family photo! I try to send out cards each year. I'm still working on the one for this year...

LPC said...

What a cute family you have, Patricia. I wish you all the best in the college admissions season.

Bruce Barone said...

Yes. I had cards printed from my photos and mailed them out to friends, family, and anyone who wanted one. WOuld you like one?

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I do send out handmade cards each year. Almost 200 of them. So you can imagine what I'm doing this week!
Yours are absolutely lovely! Those three gorgeous faces!!

Purple Flowers said...

I'm like Joyce, I still carry a calendar notebook in my pocketbook.
and mail cards.

Love the photo of your children. Your daughter and Joseph look just like you! John-Paul must look like his Dad.
And a happy week to you!! :)

Susan McClaskey said...

Great card! Yes, I do still send out cards, but my list seems to get a bit shorter each year.


LOVE your card. Clever you !

BDRstudio said...

I love seeing the final product of my work, thank you for sharing! And your watercolor is absolutely amazing!

PS. thank you for the kind words, you are too sweet :)

kayce hughes said...

Love you beautiful photo. We did not this year and I am a little sad.

traci zeller designs said...

Patricia, your cards are amazing! How can you top one of your illustrations AND letterpress? I'm delighted just looking at them. Happy sigh.

North of 25A said...

I love photo cards and appreciate every one! Beautiful. Thank you.
Ho ho ho,

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Beautiful card!! I agree with you I love sending out cards and getting them. One tradition I hope to always keep:)

Pat said...

Very cute. I just can't get around to cards, but my husband sends some for us. I always love photo cards. We still get one from his college advisor now with great grand kids in the picture. Didn't realize you had twins.

Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable! Surely your cards are a hit!
Ours on the way....

xoxo Victoria

Unknown said...

I do send out cards...photos of the family as well. Yours are just stunning, what a beautiful family, your daughter looks so much like you!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

your family is so pretty... your work & letterpress. oh stop, it's too much!! ;)

red ticking said...

love the card... and the children are darling.. xx

Janet said...

Ours arrived to ooohs and ahhhs. Just beautiful! I think I will frame it! Happy, happy!