Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear to me

How dear is this deer?

One "dear to me" twin son and I went to the emergency room early this morning and he was having abdominal pain. Mother knows best and he had surgery for appendicitis.
We are in hopes that he will be able to come home for Christmas.

Pardon me while I take care of my dear son, other stuff, along with making a Merry Christmas for our family!


Glitterista said...

Oh no! Here's hoping that he'll be home for Christmas, and great job taking him right to the ER.

Jessica Thor-Miller said...

Oh my dear! I hope your little one gets well soon. Wishing you a merry (and healthy) Christmas!


LPC said...

Oh no! My daughter had appendicitis when she was 8. Recovery was very quick. Good job mom.

Nelle Somerville said...

Blessings and prayers to you all for a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! God bless your wonderful son. I hope he has a speedy recovery and is back in your nest soon.

I Dream Of said...

Oh dear, indeed! Poor guy. Glad you got him to the ER... hope he is well for Christmas. Wishing your entire family a healthy and happy holiday.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh.. fingers crossed for a quick and easy recovery! Mothers do know best :) Happy Happy Holiday wishes to you and yours, xoxo

A Perfect Gray said...

wishing your 'dear' one back to the best of health by Christmas...

thinking of you!

love, Donna

Brillante Interiors said...

I am glad that you went right away to the clinic. Now it is only matter of recovering. All the best to you and your family, my DEAR!

designchic said...

How adorable...It is amazing how quickly children can rally from an illness...hoping your "dear" is happy and healty for the big day!!

Bruce Barone said...

Prayers are being said.

quintessence said...

Oh Patricia - what terrible timing - I'm sure he'll be home for Christmas though. My son had an emergency appendectomy last May just as finals were starting senior year of college - he got to march with his class but couldn't get his degree til later. What a pesky thing that appendicitis is!!

Moments and Impressions said...

here is hoping everyone gets home for Christmas

the gardener's cottage said...

dear patricia,

i will say a prayer and send all my good energy and wishes to you across the country for a speedy recovery for your son. take care.


Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Wow!!! Hoping he gets well soon and can be home in time for jolly St. Nick!

Joyce said...

OUCH... I am sending you hugs and positive thoughts my friend. I too hope he will come home in time for Christmas. Know that I am only a phone call away my friend. xo

Mrs. Blandings said...

Oh, Patricia! Take care of him and yourself as well. Speedy recovery for his abs and your nerves.

traci zeller designs said...

Oh my goodness! Mother does know best!! Sending prayers and warm wishes for a quick recovery ... and home for Christmas!

Just Martha said...

Love that Mother's intuition!! Go Mum!!!...

Unknown said...

A mother's instinct is powerful. I'm wishing your son a speedy recovery! :-)

autumn said...

wishing your son a speedy recovery! thank goodness he's got a smart momma on his side!
merry christmas. enjoy every second you get to spend with your family!

Ampersand Design said...

Wishing your son a speedy recovery.
Well done for recognising the urgency of the situation. I'm sure he will be home in time to celebrate with you all.

Merry Christmas Patricia!

Sandy K

Anonymous said...

Do hope your son makes a speedy recovery and gets home for Christmas. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Susan McClaskey said...

Oh dear...this will be a Christmas to remember. Hope your son makes a speedy recovery and you're able to enjoy the holidays a bit. Best to you all.

The Buzz Blog said...

Hoping your dear one is back on his feet in no time to enjoy Xmas at home.

JMW said...

Oh, goodness! Here's hoping your son has a quick recovery. May you and your family have a safe, happy and HEALTHY Christmas and New Year's. (Love the guy with the antlers - what fun!)

Gretchen O. said...

Oh Dear is right! I hope he has a speedy recovery and you all are home together as a family for christmas! Take Care of your sweet boy.

home before dark said...

Sending healing thoughts and a great big WHEWWWW! Hope your dear one recovers quickly. As a jock your twin dear one should know the KC Chief's quarterback had the same surgery and 10 days later led his team to a victory. Amazing what young bodies can do! Hope YOU are on the mend as well. That kind of scary stuff puts the body in severe STRESSSSSS mode!

Janet said...

Big huge hugs and kisses to all. Wishing you a happy, HEALTHY holiday.

Hill House Ramblings said...

Oh Patricia, I do hope your son heals quickly and that he can be home in time for Christmas! Thank goodness you followed your instincts. Yes, mother does indeed know best! Have a wonderful holiday with your family!


Unknown said...

omgoodness! how scary...sending get better soon wishes! So good that you went the ER good!xx

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Oh no! Maybe he will be lucky like my husband who recovered very quickly one year three days before our trip to Disney for Thanksgiving!

Party Resources said...

Oh no! You poor thing(s). I hope things improve and Merry! Merry! xx, Kate

lisaroy said...

Poor thing! Hopefully he has a quick recovery! I had mine out when I was 10 just before Halloween and I don't know what was worse - the pain or not being able to trick or treat! Happy Holidays! :)

Unknown said...

Oh goodness....not what you needed this week. Healing wishes to your son....and for you!

xoxo Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery and that Christmas Eve finds him tucked snuggly in his own bed. Roxanne

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Oh, that is not fun! Glad he is getting good care and hope he gets home for the big day!

Esther said...

Sending well-wishes for a quick recovery and a peaceful holiday. Mums make everything better so we know your son is in good hands!

bentley said...

hope he is feeling better patricia! get well soon. xoxo

Elizabeth said...

oh, i hope he is feeling better!