Monday, December 27, 2010

chair lift

Sitting on the chair lift - listening to the quiet of the snow and observing skiiers swoosh down the mountain....
looking at the branches covered in a blanket of white.
Taking this week to enjoy time with family and friends -
Reflecting on this year and looking forward to the lift of a brand New Year 2011.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Love the lift art work! My hubby and daughter are heading skiing today. Santa brought new skis for Kate so they are trying them out. I'm looking forward to sitting down and making my plan for 2011. I have a feeling it's going to be a great year. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Jeanne Henriques said...

A happy thought Patricia..I love the drawing. Best wishes for a Bright and Happy New Year!

Jeanne xx

Mrs. Blandings said...

Wishing you a relaxing new year.

Loui♥ said...

love the artwork!!
altho no snow in Denver, the high country ski areas are experiencing an abundance of snow to the delight of skiers..
best wishes to you for a bright new year!!
warmest hugs.. Loui♥

I Dream Of said...

Enjoy the snow. Hope you have a wonderful time! Looking forward to more of your lovely work and observations in the new year! XX Jeanneo

quintessence said...

Patricia - you picked a perfect week to be skiing! Must be amazing. Have a lovely week with your family. Is your son able to ski I hope?!

Southern Lady said...

Enjoy your time! Carla

Joyce said...

Enjoy the view my friend! xo

ann chamberlain said...

Love your blog and your delightful pictures. Thank you.
I love the sound of snow. It is a palpable sound and feeling. Enjoy your time together. Belated Christmas greetings....Happy and Healthy New Year.

Anonymous said...

I recieved a beautiful present for Christmas - finding your blog. I love your paintings so much. I hope your son is feeling better and you have a wonderful holiday.
Carey Ann

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

You are so talented, just love looking all over your work. Wishing you a lovely 2011. All the best, Coryanne

Torch Lake Prep said...

Okay, I LOVE the chairlift drawing. This is exactly what we do for the full 2 wk christmas break...skiing & snowboarding @ our cottage in northern michigan...could I buy a copy :)

Claudia Lane said...

Lovely artwork. I love the snow, it makes me feel fresh and energised.
Have a wonderful time!
Wish you all the best for 2011 :))

the gardener's cottage said...

hi patricia,

what a darling drawing. what a great christmas card this would make. i'm so hoping that your son is doing well.


debra @ 5th and state said...

enjoy your break patricia, looks magical!
loved the rendering also, charming as usual
have a wonderful 2011

SnackQueen15 said...

Happy New Year to your and your lovely family! See you in the new year!

Hill House Ramblings said...

So charming! Have a happy, healthy and creative New Year!


bentley said...

Love the chair lift illustration. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Gretchen O. said...

So jealous! I love the feeling of being on the chair lift with the sweet quietness of the snow all around.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

I love this illustration of the chairlift. Brings back wonderful memories of my childhood.


Aspiring Kennedy said...

the ski lift is one of the quietest places on earth!

hope you all are having a great time, and staying cozy!! :)

What Kate Wore said...

That is a beautiful drawing, it perfectly shows what was my favorite part of skiing, the peace and silence and beauty of being on the lift.

Sending you a smile,