Wednesday, December 15, 2010


If I had another daughter, I would name her "Amaryllis" - you know the origin of the word, Amaryllis, name for a country girl in pastoral poetry.
My holiday favorite is one simple Amaryllis bulb waiting to blossom!
Do you have one?


Carly A. Heitlinger said...

i heart the music man <3

René said...

Your amaryllis illustration is simply beautiful!


Anonymous said...

I love your simple illustration!

I Dream Of said...

So perfect! Love your amaryllis. We have one with two red buds. I can't wait for it to bloom... - Jeanne

Dana said...

I have potted about 20 amaryllis pots this year - some with one bulb, some with three. I have been drawing and painting them at all stages ~ some are blooming and some are just coming up ~some simple and some exotic. They are one of my favorite things about Christmas. I have never thought of the meaning of the name. Thanks for sharing that.
Love the illustration.

Sandra said...

Beautiful art. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

Purple Flowers said...

Your illustration is beautiful.

Sue said...

Great name and meaning. Love amaryllis but do not have one this year....Your rendition is gorgeous.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Beautiful! I have one waiting to bloom, I wish I started it earlier! Also waiting patiently for my paper whites to bloom!

Maria said...

beautiful amaryllis illustration!

Purple Flowers said...

Hmmm...I was just thinking this lovely could be a wonderful Christmas card for next year's etsy shop. Seize the moment! :)

JMW said...

It makes me think of The Music Man. :) I saw an amaryllis display at the store the other day. Wish I had purchased one. They are so lovely.

bentley said...

I love amaryllis. they remind me of my wedding. we used them all over the cocktail area. this reminded me to look for some for my own house. i think they look great on a mantle. thank you!

Joyce said...

Shhh... I never had a amaryllis. They are pretty, but I don't have a green thumb.

I love your illustration my friend as always. I could be the president of your fan club! xo

red ticking said...

i have 2 ... and have one every year... they are so amazing..xx

Amy said...

We just repotted all of ours! I am posting photos today, enjoy the holiday's! *Amy