
Monday, November 15, 2010

well done

Funny, this post should coincide with a request from Lauren over at Aspiring Kennedy to post about this today! Have you heard about "Charity Water?" I cannot imagine not having fresh water to drink or to shower! Truth of the matter is that 1 out of 8 of us do not have access to clean water. Several bloggers have joined to raise awareness for this special "Charity Water" campaign.How timely, especially since I am considering this "starrglint" aqua walnut wallpaper for my new powder room. Truly, I think it makes for a "well done" water closet and a good reminder to give thanks for clean water.
(FYI, I am planning on giving out little donation cards attached to fresh bottles of sparkling water for the holidays~ ) above image from pretty pink tulips


  1. Love this charity.....great idea for school, church etc... teens to get involved. Thanks for bringing to our attention. Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. A wonderful awareness about something most of us have in our daily lives and take for granted. Thank you my friend! xo

  3. That is a great holiday gift idea. Off to check out your potential wallpaper selection.

  4. No, I can not imagine not having clean water:( What a terrific idea for your Christmas shin dig, love the charity cards. Can't wait to see pics of your powder room:) I'm not a huge country fan but Brad Paisley has a song about water.

  5. What a wonderful (and much needed) charity. It's so good of you to bring it to our attention...I love the wallpaper for your W.C.!

    Thanks for your visit today.


  6. Clean water charity = clarity!
    Love that!

  7. hi patricia,

    great post and great reminder.

    one of my work t-shirts from aveda reminds me everyday that i wear it..every 15 seconds a child dies from lack of access to clean water.

    every 15 seconds!


  8. I love that we're all this together! Water - so basic and yet so meaningful. Here's to a job well done, pve!!!
    xo E

  9. love this... thank you for this post... i will read up on it.. xx
