Friday, October 22, 2010

under construction

Things are under construction at my place. Just wanted to share a few views for you. We have been working hard to make this happen and I am so excited to show you the before and after.
This pretty accessory arrived today. Every home needs a royal flush, right?
Here is the CAT machine excavating and clearing away for the new construction where my studio will be. Yep, a studio dedicated to "pve design." Can you feel my excitement. There is something exhilerating about adding a new space to a home. I will share snippets along the way. I will be here watching every step. It is like having a new baby.


My Notting Hill said...

So glad you showed this! As you know, I've been so curious. Looking forward to see more.

René said...

How exciting this must be for you. I look forward to watching the process.

Enjoy your weekend.


pve design said...

Wish you were here to lend an eye. I always love to have another opinion from someone who I know would have advice or a thought to share.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

WOW! I am so thrilled for you, what a great project and it will be amazing to have a separate space just steps from the house. Please share lots of details...Janell

pve design said...

One part exciting and the other part scary ~ I am keeping my eye on the prize.

pve design said...

You are going to love the kitchen....I know it.

LPC said...

Congratulations. That is just wonderful. I am really looking forward to seeing an artist's studio in process.

pve design said...

I look forward to creating in my very own space and having classes too. I am anticipating many students as Art seems to be one area facing cuts in our area schools.

abby jenkins said...

A studio!!!!! What a dream!

We are renovating our kitchen right now but a studio for me, built half of glass, teetering on the cliffside overlooking these gorgeous golden treetops is our next project. That is if I can keep my husband from buying another old wooden boat....

Best wishes for an easy and fun project. I'd love to come take classes when you are up and running!

Unknown said...

Now it gets started! Good luck and speedy delivery! You must be so excited about all what's coming!
Have a royal weekend!


Melissa @ Veranda Interiors said...

Oh I am so excited for you!! Make sure to keep us posted along the way. Can't wait to see what you decided about the windows, kitchen, everything!
Have a wonderful weekend. xo

Karena said...

Patricia, so excited (and a little envious) your own studio!!

Art by Karena

La Dolfina said...

Congrats. I can imagine what an exciting journey this will be for you... and at the end, your own creative space!!!
What more could a girl ask for :)

Southern Lady said...

So excited for you...can't wait to see more! Carla

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

I am thrilled for you. There is nothing so exhilarating as the building process. And your own studio, wow!!!!! Good for you. I hope everything turns out exactly the way you want it.

JMW said...

How exciting - a brand new studio for you! Looking forward to the progress reports. :)

Purple Flowers said...

I am very HAPPY for you! Best wishes for a successful and fun journey. Just remember it's all good!

Ms. Bright said...

Yay for you! How exciting. I know it will be simply lovely, just like you!

Anonymous said...

how brilliant, so exciting too.

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia - So truly exciting! With your flair for detail I'm sure this project has been in your mind and sketched and re-sketched on paper for a long time. (and probably painted in watercolors!) Please, please post lots and lots of updates!

My construction project has just started as well! We've done some demo (posted on my blog) and are waiting for the contractor to come and bust open the wall! It's thrilling but a bit scary at the same time.

kayce hughes said...

Yea! I am so excited for you. It looks like we have matching rock.

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Kayce- My inlaws live near Patricia and the rock in that area - it just anchors and shapes everything! Oh, but is it easy to excavate?

La Maison Fou said...

CONGRATS! A place for everything is a true blessing.
I know, mine has been in operation for a few years, nothing like closing the doors behind you and leaving the work in the syudio.
And vica versa.

home before dark said...

Excavation is a word that strikes terror in my heart. From the world of two friends who did this (he's an architect and she's an artist) and both passionate gardeners and I could not believe the zeal they took in having their decades old garden torn up to make way for the new addition (and northern light studio). Everything was super duper until THE EXCAVATOR excavated the gas line! About 18 months later, the results are stunning and the new garden is zipping along. I know you will handle this new project with grace and humor. Personally I think it is brilliant you are doing this now as the twins start to break away. The is one huge transitional object!

Unknown said...

So excited for your renovation journey. Please keep the photos coming as progress is made. You'll probably be finishing when we begin. I'll be looking for your suggestions!!!!

Mrs. Blandings said...

Can't wait to see every little step (if you care to share it.) Truly exciting - and maybe a ski weekend or two to escape the madness.

quintessence said...

SO exciting - can't wait to see the progression - so jealous that you have a project!!

Joyce said...

I hope the noise has toned down a bit for you and Mr. B. Did you find any hidden treasure behind the walls or in the ground yet?
Were your ears ringing today (not from the noise)? I was telling my friend about you, again. Enjoy my friend. xo

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

This is so exciting!! Can't wait to see the progress. I'm sure it's going to be divine:)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Your wheels must be turning overtime! Did you design the space yourself? What are your thoughts about your studio? I am very excited to follow your dream :)

Nelle Somerville said...

Oh my gosh. So exciting. Best wishes to you during this wild ride. Can't wait to see the finished product. xoxo

Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Wow, that's very exciting! I can tell you, it's bliss to have a separate studio, and the fact that this home had just that is one of things that sold us. It definitely makes family life so much easier. Can't wait to see it all come together! K xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your exciting new space. The sights and sounds of heavy machinery will soon be
replaced with sight of pens, paints and watercolors and with
the clatter of pots and pans from your new kitchen (no takeout :)
Best wishes as always,

pve design said...

Sorry for the noise, yesterday was pretty insane with all the banging. I am planning on hosting a pain and suffering party for my neighbors after it is all year.

24 Corners said...

So thrilled for you and your new's beyond exciting and much deserved! It will be fun to see what your creative spirit creates in it's very own special abode!

I love what you said in your comment..."a pain and suffering party for my neighbors"! Our poor neighbors had to look at our "honeybucket" for four years...and a big green dumpster, not to mention all the noise, trucks and what-nots that went on while building our house (twice).

Best & blessings for the whole project!!! xo J~

Carole said...

Your own studio--that IS exciting. Look forward to seeing the project progress.

Mindy Lockard Etiquette said...

Thank you so much for the update! I've been wondering about it. I look forward to more updates. It's going to be amazing.

LindsB said...

ahh, so exciting!! I cant wait to see more of this project- if its anything you have a hand in I'm sure its going to be amazing!!

Hello Lover... said...

How exciting! I can't wait to follow you through this process!