Friday, October 15, 2010


On this friday in the month of October, I wish each of you a wonderful weekend full of merry-making, romping outdoors, raking leaves and "festing." Celebrate October.


bentley said...

The leaves are gorgeous and this is a prime weekend to take advantage of our fall weather and festivities. I'm making chili tonight to keep us warm. Hope you are well. XO

Unknown said...

Love this illustration! Hoping you have an Oktoberfest this weekend!! xo E
ps: I think I recall this from the A. Tierney calendar, right?!

The Buzz Blog said...

A picture os worth a thousands words - that yard makes me want to celebrate the season!

designchic said...

What a wonderful illustration ~ as always!! Happy Friday...

Joanne Yordanou said...

and to you!! What a pretty fall painting!

Moments and Impressions said...

I live this... football, stripes, fall leaves and a scarecrow... who could ask for more?

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

We just had a really fun Oktoberfest celebration in our neighborhood a couple weeks ago...can I say I just LOVE where I live (sans the rain!)

Dovecote Decor said...

Thanks for introducing me to Lauren at Pure Style Home. I left her my number and hope to rendezvous.

abby jenkins said...

Trying to concentrate and get some work done inside. VERY hard to do with royal blue skies, constant shower of red and yellow leaves and the big bags of narcissus that need to be planted. Hurry up weekend!

Unknown said...

Your talent is endless!

Karena said...

Patricia, lovely beyond, I adore this painting!

I have a Luxurious New Giveaway on my site....Come and enter!!

Art by Karena

JMW said...

Happy fall to you as well, PVE! Enjoy this beautiful fall weather and the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves.

Unknown said...

Is that a raven sitting on the fence? Great.

Rebecca said...

Love the fall art work!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

i love october, isn't it the prettiest month? this weekend, they had "oxtoberfest" here in oxford. :) loved it!

Joyce said...

I can hear the laughter, and the leaves under my feet. Also the cold air against my cheeks in this illustration. xo

red ticking said...

i am catching up... and loving all of your images... esp this adorable one with mr scarecrow... you are amazing... do you hear that enough??? xx

Carole said...

Love this illustration.