Thursday, October 28, 2010

cookies and milk

Never will I ever be too old for cookies and milk.
Did you know that the Oreo cookie has been around since 1929.
kitchen by tommy smythe
Imagine sitting pretty in this kitchen eating an oreo.
I spy a glass of milk on the table. It looks like a familiar site in my house.
My boys drink lots of milk and are always on the prowl for a cookie.
kitchen by tommy smythe
I am loving kitchens that have a contrast of dark and light.
Love the black painted window and the array of potted herbs on the sill.
Stainless steel looks right too.
Note the dark bottoms and the light upper cabinetry.
Do you think the ubiquitous oreo cookie might have been the inspiration for this kitchen?
What is it about black and white just looking timeless and right?
I am not the only one floored by black and white. Look what Jenny has today.
Who knew that an oreo cookie would inspire so much!


lisaroy said...

gorgeous kitchens but now you've got me craving Oreo's!

designchic said...

What delicious a black and white kitchen!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love the lights in the last picture, so cool! When we lived in Germany Oreo were the only american like cookie they cost a fortune but we bought our fair share. I haven't had one since! Have a wonderful weekend!

Susan McClaskey said...

I can't imagine a nicer place to be "sitting pretty" and having cookies and milk. Black and white are timeless. I love a black and white tile floor and can't believe I missed the opportunity to have one when I was redoing my kitchen.

Bridget said...

1929? thats crazy! that last kitchen is gorgeous.

Gretchen O. said...

Yummy to oreos and tommy smythe kitchens! Love the windows!

Unknown said...

Love the oreo, love black and white and am now in love with tommy smythe!!!
xo E

Andrew White said...

You are so right, the black and white color combo is so timeless and easy to change with different color accents. I recently changed my kitchen and got a great deal on wholesale flooring, I couldn't be happier with my new kitchen. Thanks for sharing ;) - now I want an oreo cookie!

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

Love these kitchens. Anything with a lantern and black has my name on it.

Belle on Heels said...

love this post :) oreos are my favorite and i, too, just love kitchens that include both dark and light elements. happy halloween!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Great kitchens! I love stainless counters. Don't know why I don't see them more.

JMW said...

I adore that kitchen - the modern touches mixed with traditional elements. Perfection.

the gardener's cottage said...

hi patricia,

the oreo inspired my kitchen also. it's my favorite cookie and did you know it's vegan?

this is one beautiful kitchen and now i will go see jenny's.


Summer is a Verb said...

OMG that kitchen! Drool...XXOO