
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Suppers- butternut squash

Simply cut open a whole washed butternut squash and roast in the oven. Serve as a side or a meal in itself. Garnish with some fresh herbs or a little maple syrup and brown sugar and enjoy. Did you know that squash is chock full of good vitamins and excellent for your skin?
My Mom always told me that beauty is skin deep!

What will you be serving for your Sunday Supper?
image from whole living


  1. Love squash! Tonight we are having a friend over for lobster, corn, steamed clams, and apple crisp. A yummy Maine meal which will keep me at the gym a little longer on Monday!!!

  2. Debra,
    Thank-you for inspiring me to increase my work-out regime and to know that even if we do indulge at our own Sunday Suppers, there is always Monday to make up for over-indulging.
    You really have inspired my very own life-scape!

  3. it just might be butternut squash...yum! Thanks for inspiring me to make dinner:)

  4. I love squash!
    As for Sunday supper this evening, we are having sliced grilled chicken w/diced red onion, lettuce and cucumber in a pita bread. Then drizzled on top is a yogurt cucumber sauce. Yummy!

  5. LOVE butternut squash - it's my favorite of the squash family. My mother always made it, as per one of your suggestions, with brown sugar and butter. We considered it a special treat, although I don't know if the calories outweighed the nutritional benefits.

  6. hmmmm...maybe butternut squash-sounds delicious!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good morning, PVE,
    I love squash. I'm having roast chicken with lots of garlic and rosemary, baked sweet potatoes,
    and brown rice and peas. Yum.
    There is enough to share.

  9. Yum! Sounds delicious..I love butternut squash anything! Having chicken not sure what else tonight. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  10. I love the sound of just roasted butternut squash. I'm trying out a new recipe by Heston Blumenthal.

  11. I ADORE butternut squash! Guess what I am having for Sunday Supper? :-)

  12. Butternut Squash is a favorite and it also looks so beautiful to serve!

    Art by Karena

  13. We're having herb roasted chicken. You can check out the recipe on my blog post today!

  14. Hi PVE, maybe this is one way I can actually like the taste of squash. I love vegetables, but this is my least favorite.

    Listen, last year you said you wanted my children's book, "Tunde, the Little Nigerian Prince" signed. Did you get your copy? I'd love to sign it for you. If you haven't got it please order it directly from me and I'll for sure sign it. I'm blogging about it right now, so check it out and then you can e-mail me to order your copy or copies;) The second Tunde book is out also and it's a free e-book. Neat, eh?

  15. Delish! I bake both acron and butternut squash filled with rasins, apples and pecans plus a little butter and either brown sugar or maple syrup. Sooo yummy!

  16. Thanks for commenting on my blog, glad you did because now I found yours! And yes, sign me up if you throw the party with twinkly lights and a black and white movie outdoors!! :)

  17. Yum...Love butternut squash. Ihave a bowl full sitting on my kitchen counter right now which I plan to cook this week.

  18. Little confession. I'm ordering in! Just wrapped up my son's bday party, which went better than hoped. So the cook took a break. I'll put butternut squash on the menu for next week. Love seeing it in the grocery!

  19. One of my absolute favorites, butternut squash is:).

  20. I love roasted butternut squash and apple soup! So perfect in the fall.

  21. We just came back from a bbq, quite possibly the last of the season...:(
    but this delicious idea can get me excited for fall!

  22. Looks delish! Now, must organise dinner for the troops - and as it's cold and raining, this may be just perfect.K xx

  23. Patricia - MOTH & I tucked into spicy lamb koftas with hummus & tzatziki on the the side served with a big bowl of yummy fattoush salad! Lebanese food Aussie style.
    It took a while to prepare, but I'm happy to report that we have left-overs for at least 2 more meals - yay!
    Millie ^_^

  24. Millie-
    send those leftovers here, please and I will send some squash!

  25. I served mini meatballs sandwhichs-snagged the recipe from pioneer woman! So devine! Love me some sqaush to!

  26. I had Butternut squash soup! It was so great, what a wonderful Fall dinner.
