
Thursday, September 30, 2010

monkey grass hill

Does your house have a name. Meet "Monkey Grass Hill."
I love homes with fun names.
"Making a house a comfortable home" by giving it a name makes perfect sense.
If your home had a name, what would it be?
Please share.


  1. I refer to my home as my modern cottage. I know that's not a name really:-) xx

  2. We call our home Stone Hill. My husband even had stationery made for the house with figs and a big "S" for our paper anniversary. :) love him so.

  3. What a beautiful illustration, and I love the name! Our home doesn't have a name as of yet...something to think about. --Gretchen O.

  4. Ours is "Honeybunny Haven"
    It may sound abit corny, but it's our name. :)

  5. Such a charming name!
    And beautiful painting to match!
    We sometimes call our home Owl Cottage, because that is so often the soundtrack of our nighttime hours.

    But of course, it is also known as The House of Edward, and most appropriately so.

  6. Since our home is on an incline I feel like our home is a treehouse. Maybe calling it Golden Acorn, because of the oak trees with the colorful leaves this time of year and all the acorns.
    BTW I would post a sign saying "friends allowed". What is the name of your home? xo

  7. Our beach house is called "Twist of Lime" ;)

  8. I forgot to mention that my grandparents beach house in Florida is Averitt's Favorite (my maiden name).

  9. Good question....I'll have to discuss that with my family. Carla

  10. Our home is on a hill, built on rocks....I think I shall name it "On the rocks"~

  11. Since we move every 18 mos - 3 yrs (military) we keep it simple and stick with something we'll remember. We are currently residing at the Prattville abode.

  12. Oh, and I think "On the Rocks" is a great name:)

  13. Beautiful illustration!
    We used to talk about giving our property a name, but in the end decided the house spoke for itself!

  14. This one is stunning! We call ours the Z mansion and it is so not.

  15. Beautiful illustration Patricia! And how fun, I've never even thought about giving our house a name! Historic house names are so fascinating and really make the history of a house come alive.

  16. Our place is Mossback Farm. A 'mossback' is a person who refuses to change with the times and therefore grows moss. That pretty much describes us.

  17. Such a cute name for a home! I've never thought about a name for our apartment since its not mine or my forever home- so I might have to name it something like "in the beginning" since its where the fiancé and I started our lives together :)

  18. Oh my goodness.....a name, a name?! I just don't know. That would be fun to come up with something fitting. The White House is already taken! :)

  19. Gorgeous! I dream of a cozy little NYC condo, so a name would have to reflect that if 1) we win a lottery and 2) I can convince Husband to live in a condo forever.

  20. We call ours The Dodge Farm because the neighborhood used to be called Dodge Farm. My brother always calls and asks, "what's new at the dodge farm?" every house needs a name!

  21. My house is Buttermilk Cottage. My previous house was on "Buttermilk Road," so naming my current home Buttermilk Cottage, just seemed right.

  22. our old beach was Greater Folly (there was indeed a lesser folly). I love house names - even if it's just so you can have stationery with it!

  23. Patricia, wonderful drawing! (And I should now, I am already a lucky owner of one of your master pieces).

    We call ours the "Squirrel Nest". It it comes from my Huz who refers to our 3 kids as "squirrels"! (:

    Happy weekend to you.

    ox, Mon

  24. That is such a great question! I need to think about it... I'd like a house with a name that pays tribute to the vegetation around it, like The Eucalyptuses, or something.

  25. Our house is called The House Of The Raising Sons Patricia!
    Millie ^_^

  26. Another amazing illustration! I love the name as well! Our house should be called "neck o' the woods".

  27. Ah, loving Monkey Grass's header!!! Awesome job per usual pve.
