Monday, August 30, 2010

on the fence

There is something so charming about a fence or a gate that is so inviting. I still love this little illustration that I did before I began blogging. For me it is so symbolic of wanting to open or enter the gate to the other side of becoming a blogger, rather than just being on the outskirts and leaving random comments. This is to those of you that are on the fence, what are you waiting for? To those of you that are bloggers, what was it on the other side that finally convinced you to open the gate, and begin to blog?


Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

While I loved this blogging world, I was shy to join it - until two friends strongly suggested in the very same week that I create one of my own. I like the idea of cataloging all the things I love...all in one place. And the added bonus is connecting with others. Great question. xo

Gwen Driscoll said...

Hi. Can't wait to see you this morning. Looking forward to it. And, I started blogging because of people like you who I admired in the world of blog.

David Toms said...

Wonderful picture. I too love fences as they create a nice visual prelude to a house t the front and privacy at the back.

We Blog Artists said...

LOVE this...for me it was a way to stay in touch with Tam,and also to push myself to sketch,paint,draw,create daily...or almost daily.
I feel 110% more creative and productive since starting our Blog...and now I LOVE the connection with all of you talented and creative souls...
It's part of my daily rituals, and I wouldn't change anything about it. It's never an effort...
Have a wonderful Monday P...

Gretchen O. said...

Being just on the other side of the fence myself, I love having a supportive community of people that "gets" me. Kindrid spirits are hard to find in everyday life, but here in blogland you find them all the time, and it is so refreshing. It also makes me want to be better than I was yesterday. Thanks for the post...and the artwork is as always so pretty. --Gretchen O.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Picture is so inviting! I started my blog when we moved to Germany as a way for family and friends to know whats going on in our lives. I headed up gaining so much more then I ever imagined. Now living in the states having many voids filled and summer time plus still unpacking I find myself blogging less. I hope once school is in I will find my mojo again. Happy Monday!

Ivy Lane said...

I began blogging to get inspired...There are SO MANY bloggers out there including you my dear who inspire me every day. I am "on the fence" so to speak in my career and have been soul searching for some time now as to what path to take. I am not getting any younger and want to get up each day and be excited about what I am doing and how I am contributing... the inspiration I get from designers and artists who blog is part of my daily routine. My blog is just tid bits of what I love ... and I like to share with all of you!

Southern Lady said...

Love the picture! I have always wanted a picket fence in my yard...maybe one day. I feel as though I am on the outside of that fence right now. My youngest daughter will leave homeschooling next year to attend public school. I am just wondering what gate to walk through next. Carla

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

What an interesting question! For me it was to document work, it was more fun to work on a project if I need I could share it with (hopefully!) someone! Janell

p.s. love this illustration

style chronicle said...

That pumkin on the porch behind the gate says "welcome fall." I had been reading design blogs for years and finally my husband asked why I did not have one myself. The rest is history...

Susan McClaskey said...

I started blogging for several reasons--love my little house and wanted to share it, to make contacts (when you work at home you spend a LOT of time alone), and my daughter was moving to NYC and I thought blogging would be perfect for her--"young, single girl in the big city." I thought if I had one I'd be able to answer any questions she might have. Alas, she's had no interest, but it's become another creative outlet for me. It's now a daily "need" for me!

Unknown said...

One of my all time favorite illustrations by you (do I say that every time?! I mean it though!!). I totally agree with you about wanting to be a part of it and entering that gate.

I blog b/c of you, Eddie & Jaithan and the encouragement of 2 special friends.

To be a part of the "conversation" instead of just listening has been such a gift!

xo Elizabeth

Kwana said...

I wanted to get my writing thoughts out and build an audience. Now it's the nice folks that keep me coming back.
I too love a nice fence as long as it's not black and gold. LOL!

Anonymous said...

We love how your illustration was a symbol for your blogging ambitions. Thank you so much for your sweet comments too!


Unknown said...

My decision to start was more of an impulse than anything else...but I was on that fence for a while. This illustration is just plain gorgeous!

Melissa @ Veranda Interiors said...

My gate was the recharge of our company. Knowing that we would be building a new home for ourselves and numerous for clients this year I wanted to document it for myself and for others so they could see the creative process and what really goes into building custom homes.
So far it is great, I am learning so much from other bloggers, being introduced to amazing people (yourself included), and I am now able to keep my own ideas in order.
Have a wonderful week!!! xo

JMW said...

Because I write for a living, my husband kept urging me to do it as a hobby, since I kept complaining about needing an outlet of some sort. I enjoying "lurking" in the blog world and after a while, I decided to take the plunge. I'm so glad I did - I've met some amazing people along the way.

Suburban Princess said...

I wanted to be a part of the club!
Plus, deep down I knew I had something to say...and it makes a great time capsule for my son.

Catherine said...

When my friend told me about blogging, I had never heard of it! Then when I started reading a few blogs, I remember that I couldn't quite figure out if my comments 'took' so I'm sure I left like three at every blog!
Blogging is a wonderful community of like-minded women and I just love the warmth and friendship I feel with all of these lovely, inspiring ladies - included you! xoTrina

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

The movie "Julie and Julia" made me think about what I could blog about. So I made a commitment in January to paint a painting a week, have my 4yr old participate do the same and we started our journey. I can't tell you how great it has been, people from all over the world are now viewing it. I encourage everyone find their passion and blog about it:)

home before dark said...

I agree that blogging is a lovely way to find kindred spirits, to join in the world-wide conversation of things I enjoy. After a career in public relations where I did everything from the writing to the production, having my own blog would be like going back to work. I enjoy the freedom to read, respond, encourage and appreciate. As for gates and fences, love them. Love the ceremony of opening and closing.

quintessence said...

Love fences also - they are charming, inviting and decorative. And I think they serve a visual containment in the same way as a rule or box does in design for example. As for the blogging, I had been reading design blogs for a while, realized I needed more of an active creative outlet, and had the encouragement of many people pushing me to start. I also love connecting with people who have similar interests - like you!

Gramercy Home said...

Such a gorgeous illustration. I've always had the (bad?) habit of wanting to share things I love with other people! That there are so many kindred spirits makes the whole journey a blast.

Stitchfork said...

This new blogger feels like a gate opened to a whole new world of wonderful people and places! Love gates - have some favorite silver jewelry from Charleston Gates, designs from the historic gates in Charleston SC.

DolceDreams said...

There is nothing like a white picket fence!
Well, my foray into opening the blogging fence was to help get my business out into the world...but have found that I have made many a friend along the way...
Have a great week,

Jeanne Henriques said...

Easy Patricia....closing one door and opening another and what a wonderful world it has been. I love your is enchanting :)

Jeanne :)

Unknown said...

I am on the fence, yet want to join the virtual conversation.
Blogland is a wonderland.
I'm hesitating to jump down the
rabbit hole.

simply seleta said...

Clever and beautiful.

Blogland seemed so inviting, like a magical world full of creativity and wonder...fortunately it has some the most charming and kind people I've met.